920 examples of resounds in sentences

Our every mood of penitence, praise, and aspiration resounds in melodious and time-defying strains.

" In "Apollonius Rhodius" we find one of these hamadryads imploring a woodman to spare a tree to which her existence is attached: "Loud through the air resounds the woodman's stroke, When, lo!

The street resounds with the heavy tramp of infantry, the rattle of gun-carriages, and the clatter of horses' hoofs.

Swelling the outcry dull, that long resounds Portentous, thro' her old woods' trackless bounds, 75 Deepening her echoing torrents' awful peal And bidding paler shades her form conceal, [F] Vallombre, mid her falling fanes, deplores, For ever broke, the sabbath of her bow'rs.

Six thousand years amid his lonely bounds The voice of Ruin, day and night, resounds.

a peal resounds From shore to shore Tyranny!

Even though here and there the line is brightened by the attractive appearance of the schoolgirls of the Escuela Municipal, with their sashes across their shoulders and their books in their hands, followed by their servants, yet scarcely a laugh resounds or a joke can be heardnothing of song or jest, at best a few heavy jokes or scuffles among the smaller boys.

And the lovesong of earth as thou diest resounds through the wind of her wings Glory to Man in the highest!

The clank of the levers resounds through the pressing-house, or the hoarse guttural 'hah, hah!'

The Kingstonian cheer disappeared in a groan as everybody heard that unmistakable whack that resounds whenever the bat and the ball meet face to face.

No, light and sound are not merely subjective phenomena within us, but extend around us with objective realityas sensations of the divine spirit, to which everything that vibrates resounds and shines.

And this land, situated in the very outskirts of the metropolis, continues to be utterly neglected, if not entirely overlooked, at a moment when the whole kingdom resounds with the groans of those who argue that the population of this country has outrun the means of subsisting them.

Till the last streaks of dying day withdrew, And doubtful moonlight did our rage deceive. 69 In the English fleet each ship resounds with joy, And loud applause of their great leader's fame: In fiery dreams the Dutch they still destroy, And, slumbering, smile at the imagined flame.

And it is indeed true that the mechanism which supported the 'Estado de India' nourished a very unique place, one which internalised the life-affirming concept behind a word redolent of the very essence of Goan-ness, a word that resounds with wisdom sussegado.

At this, the challenger with fierce defy 580 His trumpet sounds; the challenged makes reply; With clangour rings the field, resounds the vaulted sky.

And the rapt seraphs round the throne, Loud anthems to the Saviour raise; While cherubims with transport burn, And Heav'ns high dome resounds with praise.

the shrill horn resounds.

A paradise of stately pleasure-grounds Arose beneath the magic of my wand; And now the busy hum of life resounds Where once a desert stretched on every hand.

Now a loud roar resounds along the hedgerow like the deafening boom of the surge; it moderates, dies away, then an elm close by bends and sounds as the blast comes again.

But God fades out of the daily life of those who never pray; a personal God who is not a Providence is a superfluity; when from the heaven does not smile a listening Father, it soon becomes an empty space, whence resounds no echo of man's cry.

40 The towns in Saturn are decayed, And melancholy Spectres throng them; The Pleiads, that appear to kiss Each other in the vast abyss, With joy I sail among them, 45 Swift Mercury resounds with mirth, Great Jove is full of stately bowers; But these, and all that they contain, What are they to that tiny grain, That little Earth of ours?

A great cry, a piercing cry, raised by hundreds of voices, a cry which resounds through the streets of the city, and which is echoed by the surrounding hills.

Mammon is on the throne; the greed of gain is eating the heart out of commercial honor; reputations are crumbling; confidence is rudely shaken; the most cynical schemes for plundering the multitudes are daily brought to light; social classes stand over against each other distrustful and defiant; the house of mirth resounds with the mad revelry of the wasters, while the purlieus are noisome with poverty and vice.

My step resounds as if in a corridor.

Long strings of frightened sea-gulls Flutter away shrill screaming; War-horses trample, and shields clash loudly, And far resounds the triumphant cry: Thalatta!

920 examples of  resounds  in sentences