20 examples of sapit in sentences

Hoc natat: in labris et in udo est Maenas et Attis; Nec pluteum caedit, nec demorsos sapit ungues" agrees with the judgment of Tacitus (Ann. xiv. 16).

Nemo sapit omnibus horis.

Erasmus was certainly a man of great learning, and good sense, and he seems to have my opinion of it, when he says Foemina qui [sic] vere sapit, non videtur sibi sapere; contra, quae cum nihil sapiat sibi videtur sapere, ea demum bis stulta est.

he, him, his. Phr. hominem pagina nostra sapit

[Fr.]; mas vale saber que haber [Sp.]; mas vale ser necio que profiadol nemo solus sapit

"Non hic Centaurus, non Gorgonas, Harpyasque Invenies, hominem pagina nostra sapit.

Nequicquam sapit qui sibi non sapit, who will say that a sick man is wise, that eats and drinks to overthrow the temperature of his body?

Nequicquam sapit qui sibi non sapit, who will say that a sick man is wise, that eats and drinks to overthrow the temperature of his body?

Fabius esteems no better of most of them, either in speech, action, gesture, than as men beside themselves, insanos declamatores; so doth Gregory, Non mihi sapit qui sermone, sed qui factis sapit.

Fabius esteems no better of most of them, either in speech, action, gesture, than as men beside themselves, insanos declamatores; so doth Gregory, Non mihi sapit qui sermone, sed qui factis sapit.

Ulricus Huttenus nemo, nam, nemo omnibus horis sapit, Nemo nascitur sine vitiis, Crimine Nemo caret, Nemo sorte sua vivit contentus, Nemo in amore sapit, Nemo bonus, Nemo sapiens, Nemo, est ex omni parti beatus, &c. and therefore Nicholas Nemo, or Monsieur Nobody shall go free, Quid valeat nemo, Nemo referre potest?

Ulricus Huttenus nemo, nam, nemo omnibus horis sapit, Nemo nascitur sine vitiis, Crimine Nemo caret, Nemo sorte sua vivit contentus, Nemo in amore sapit, Nemo bonus, Nemo sapiens, Nemo, est ex omni parti beatus, &c. and therefore Nicholas Nemo, or Monsieur Nobody shall go free, Quid valeat nemo, Nemo referre potest?

such as are silent, vir sapit qui pauca loquitur; no better way to avoid folly and madness, than by taciturnity.

Though he be honest, wise, learned, well-deserving, noble by birth, and of excellent good parts; yet in that he is poor, unlikely to rise, come to honour, office, or good means, he is contemned, neglected, frustra sapit, inter literas esurit, amicus molestus.

I commend Cosmo de Medici and Castruccius Castrucanus, than whom Italy never knew a worthier captain, another Alexander, if [3520]Machiavel do not deceive us in his life: "when a friend of his reprehended him for dancing beside his dignity," (belike at some cushion dance) he told him again, qui sapit interdiu, vix unquam noctii desipit, he that is wise in the day may dote a little in the night.

" If it cannot be helped, or amended, make the best of it; necessitati qui se accommodat, sapit, he is wise that suits himself to the time.

Hora bonis quasi nunc instet suprema fruaris, Plura ut victurus secula, parce bonis: Divitiis, utrinque cavens, qui tempore parcit, Tempore divitiis utitur, ille sapit.

Nec pluteum cædit, nec demorsos sapit ungues.

Hominem pagina nostra sapit.

By S.R. Quod noua testa capit, Inueterata sapit. 1612.

20 examples of  sapit  in sentences