26 examples of stickled in sentences

I can vehemently applaud, or perversely stickle, at parts; but I cannot grasp at a whole.

The chief part, therefore, of what they receive in money, whether as wages or as the price of the surplus produce of their provision grounds, they can lay aside for occasional calls, and, when they set their minds on an acquisition or an indulgence, they do not stickle at the cost.

V. be unwilling &c adj.; nill; dislike &c 867; grudge, begrudge; not be able to find it in one's heart to, not have the stomach to. demur, stick at, scruple, stickle; hang fire, run rusty; recoil, shrink, swerve; hesitate &c 605; avoid &c 623. oppose &c 708; dissent &c 489; refuse &c 764.

V. be obstinate &c adj.; stickle, take no denial, fly in the face of facts; opinionate, be wedded to an opinion, hug a belief; have one's own way &c (will) 600; persist &c (persevere) 604.1; have the last word, insist on having the last word. die hard, fight against destiny, not yield an inch, stand out.

compete with, cope with, vie with, race with; outvie^, emulate, rival; run a race; contend for &c, stipulate for, stickle for; insist upon, make a point of.

trade with, deal with, have dealings with; transact business with, do business with; open an account with, keep an account with. bargain; drive a bargain, make a bargain; negotiate, bid for; haggle, higgle^; dicker [U.S.]; chaffer, huckster, cheapen, beat down; stickle, stickle for; out bid, under bid; ask, charge; strike a bargain &c (contract)

trade with, deal with, have dealings with; transact business with, do business with; open an account with, keep an account with. bargain; drive a bargain, make a bargain; negotiate, bid for; haggle, higgle^; dicker [U.S.]; chaffer, huckster, cheapen, beat down; stickle, stickle for; out bid, under bid; ask, charge; strike a bargain &c (contract)

The widow Bevis indeed stickled hard for me.

At last the Senate sent to make terms with Cinna; but while they were stickling about acknowledging his title of consul, he advanced to the gates.

Above all, his notorious meanness in his money matters, his stickling with his poor washerwoman for a halfpenny and with others for a farthing, and his uniform stinginess on all occasions rendered him notoriously disgusting to all his acquaintances, and affords, I should imagine, but a poor example for imitation....

It was personal liberty that took every man west, but we've stood and stickled for the actual law, and we've been robbed under it: robbed as a state, and now they want to rob us as individuals.

Some critics, however, object to the of, because the dismissing is not the servant's act; but this, as I shall hereafter show, is no valid objection: they stickle for a false rule.

In stead, therefore, of stickling for choice between two such errors, we ought to adopt some better expression; as, "The reason and time of the Saviour's incarnation.

The novelism, with the corruption too, is wholly theirs who stickle for these awkward forms.

Some men, who hope to be valued as scholars, yet stickle for an odd phrase, which critics have denounced as follows: "But the history of the language scarcely affords a parallel to the innovation, at once unphilosophical and hypercritical, pedantic and illiterate, which has lately appeared in the excruciating refinement 'is being' and its unmerciful variations.

he blazed; "are you plumb daft to stickle for little niceties now?

R60354, 31Mar50, Mary Stickle Lynde (W)

R82992, 4Sep51, Mary Stickle Lynde (W) MACAULAY, ROSE. Told by an idiot.

R60354, 31Mar50, Mary Stickle Lynde (W)

R82992, 4Sep51, Mary Stickle Lynde (W) MACAULAY, ROSE. Told by an idiot.

There is, in 'The Excursion', an allusion to the bleat of a lamb thus re-echoed, and described without any exaggeration, as I heard it, on the side of Stickle Tarn, from the precipice that stretches on to Langdale Pikes.

"Honoré," said he, as they joined hands on the banquette beside the doctor's gig, to say good-day, "if you think there's a chance for you, why stickle upon such fine-drawn points as I reckon you are making?

If he rowed from the east side, then Pike o'Stickle, or Harrison Stickle, might rise above Ironkeld, over Borwick Ground.

"They all went to Stickle Tarn.

Other critics have not stickled to assert that it has mischievously affected the volume of the Colony's industries, a statement which is simply untrue.

26 examples of  stickled  in sentences