18 examples of take the blame in sentences

Well, Colonel Dunbar was in command, since the general was no longer conscious, and must take the blame.

She had heard him, in that casually careless way of his, try to take the blame of having wounded West.

Well, I told Jack, like I tell you, that if anything slips up account o' this, Peaches Austin can take the blame.

In truth, I have never in my letters openly declaimed against love; I have never advised you not to take the blame of it.

" "If trouble comes of his withholding the report I'll take the blame," Bobby said.

It is so much simpler to consign a soul to perdition, or gay masses, for money, to save it, than to take the blame on ourselves for letting it grow up in neglect and run to ruin for want of humanizing influences!

Of course, old Bill Drew, he'd done the killing, but that wasn't any reason why he had to take the blame.

"They made up their minds that right there and then with the dead men lyin' all around 'em, they'd match coins to see which one would take the blame of havin' killed Piottomeanin' that the other one would get the girlif he could.

He took the blame for your carelessness, and never squealed.

I had acted for the bestso let God who gave me free-will, intelligence, conscience and opportunity, approve the deed or take the blame.

I shrank from death; but I preferred to die by my own hand and take the blame for it, rather than to be executed and bring lasting disgrace on my family, friends, and, I may add with truth, on Yale.

Laveneur, recollecting that the circumstance had happened in the absence of Custine, thought it incumbent on him to take the blame, if there were any, on himself, and wrote to Paris to explain the matter as it really stood; but his candour, without availing Custine, drew persecution on himself, and the only notice taken of his letter was an order to arrest him.

Laveneur, recollecting that the circumstance had happened in the absence of Custine, thought it incumbent on him to take the blame, if there were any, on himself, and wrote to Paris to explain the matter as it really stood; but his candour, without availing Custine, drew persecution on himself, and the only notice taken of his letter was an order to arrest him.

The cause of their parting was never distinctly avowed; Walpole took the blame, if blame there was, on himself; but, in fact, it probably lay in an innate difference of disposition, and consequently of object.

"I take the blame and disgrace of this.

Crayshaw got up to present himself, and take the blame on his own shoulders, and John was so much surprised to find Emily present, and perhaps aiding, that he stopped short in his inquiry how they had dared to bring him home when he was so busy, and observing the ridiculous side of the question, sat down at once, and laughed also, while she said something by way of excuse for them, and they made the best defence they could.

When we turn to our own civilization, however, there are no barbarian hordes to take the blame.

As they rose to leave the coach they became aware of a slight accident for which the master had to take the blame.

18 examples of  take the blame  in sentences