5138 examples of to talk in sentences

It ill becomes His Excellency to talk of the triumph of those ideals of justice and humanity for which the Allies fought.

" Despite the fact that he had just dined at the hotel he accepted her invitation in the hope that she could be persuaded to talk.

You were brought here to talk to the Comtesse.

She was not quite sure whether she ought to talk to her cousin.

" "Yes, sir, I will; but I don't think anything is more cheerful than Christianity, and I love to talk about it.

I hope you'll tell your committee soand let me have a chance to talk to them.

The old gentlemen, too, Mr. Conscience, the recorder that was so before Diabolus took Mansoul, began to talk aloud, and his words were now like great claps of thunder.

There was much to talk about,wars and politics and explorations, the doings of men and the happening of things, mutual friends, marriages, deaths,five years of history for which Fairfax clamored.

" It finally grew to be Draxy's custom to read one of her husband's sermons in the forenoon, and to talk to the people informally in the afternoon.

They began soon to talk of the window again.

It isn't fit to talk about.

"I did not intend to talk about him, but now I will."

If she could only go to her husband and talk as they had been able to talk things over at first.

As she wanted to talk confidentially with Dean, she went the easiest way about it, entirely regardless of appearances.

That did very well to talk about; but what could you do with a child that wasn't made of flesh and blood, but

After dinner he tried to talk business with Eva's husband, or Stell's.

Darling slept on a window-sill, and 'e used to talk about enjoyin' the full sweep o' the tradewind.

"Mark says there's more and wants to talk to you whenever you're ready.

In a few minutes he overcame his reserve and began to talk of the things which he knew interested me.

That's why it distressed me for you even to talk of undoing your work.

"The man I wish to talk with can only prosper for my coming.

Aniela slipped away to pour out the tea, and I began to talk with my aunt.

And the assistant collector, eating with them in the adobe back of the office, wondered that two such men found nothing more serious to talk about than the breeding of horses and the growing of garden truck.

I had to talk sense to Romer.

" The result of this certainly was that we most of us did learn to talk.

5138 examples of  to talk  in sentences