51 examples of tricycle in sentences

Explosive tricycle.

Explosive tricycle.

A Runaway Tricycle LETTER TEN.

Stag-hunting on a Tricycle LETTER THIRTEEN.

He also said he believed I could work a tricycle just as well as not, and that if I got used to it I would think it fine.

I stood out against those two men for about a half an hour, and then I began to give in a little, and think that it might be nice to roll along on my own little wheels over their beautiful smooth roads, and stop and smell the hedges and pick flowers whenever I felt like it; and so it ended in my agreeing to do the Exmoor country on a tricycle while Mr. Poplington and Jone went on bicycles.

Hannah started me off nicely by pushing my tricycle until I got it going, and Miss Pondar waved her handkerchief from the cottage door.

The few people I met didn't seem to think it was anything wonderful for a woman to ride on a tricycle, and I soon began to feel as proper as if I was walking on a sidewalk.

I had hardly started down this hill when my tricycle became frisky and showed signs of wanting to run, and I got a little nervous, for I didn't fancy going fast down a slope like that.

I tried to get my feet back on the pedals, but I couldn't do it, and all I could do was to keep that flying tricycle in the middle of the road.

If I didn't turn I was making a bee-line for the dog; but I had no time to think what to do, and in an instant that black woolly dog faded away like a reminiscence among the buzzing wheels of my tricycle.

However, I steered my tricycle round at just the right instant, and through the front gate I went like a flash.

Where the tricycle went to I didn't know, but I was lying on the grass kicking, and trying to get up and to get my head free, so that I could see and breathe.

We all went into the back yard, and there, on the other side of the clothes, which was scattered all over the ground, we found my tricycle, jammed into a lot of gooseberry bushes, and when it was dragged out we found it was not hurt a bit.

As we was going through the house, Jone taking my tricycle, I stopped to say good-by to the girl.

And we started off, walking down the hill, Jone holding on to my tricycle.

"Now," said he, "I'm going to keep hold of the other end of this, and perhaps your tricycle won't run away with you.

I was glad we had to go up it instead of down it, though it was very hard to walk, pushing the tricycle, even when helped.

In walking up this hill, and thinking that it might have been in front of me when my tricycle ran away, I could not keep my mind away from the little graveyard at the foot of the Swiss mountain.

The very thought that I was out in a wild storm on a desolate moor filled my soul with a sort of triumph, and I worked my tricycle as if I was spurring my steed to battle.

In a second I clapped spurs into my tricycle and was off.

"You will break your neck," he shouted, "if you go down hill that way," and getting close up to me he fastened his cord to my tricycle.

Down in the hollow, which I could not see into, I heard a barking and shouting, and I kept on just as fast as I could make that tricycle go.

I was hunting a stag, and all I cared for was to feel my tricycle bounding beneath me.

Jone is a good fellow, but he's got a will of his own, and he said that this would be the end of my tricycle riding, and that the next time we went out together on wheels he'd drive.

51 examples of  tricycle  in sentences