2053 examples of usages in sentences

i., pp. 289, 301-303): "It is he who collected together the prayers and liturgical usages of his predecessors and assigned to each its proper place, and thus the liturgy owes its present form to him.

Chrodegang (766) was first to follow the usages of the Benedictines of the Roman Basilica, in prescribing for secular clergy the celebration at Prime of the officium Capituli (i.e., the reunion in the chapter for reading the rule or, on certain days, the writings and homilies of the Fathers).

Conquered by the Castilians, the Aragons, and the Portuguese, the Moors had lost the use of Arabic, but they had preserved the exterior sign-writing, just as their new converts retained their usages and their national costumes.

As independent little republics, bound together by the most exalted spirit of freedom, they had ever preserved their usages, customs, and laws.

An American 'always,' in the way of usages, extends no further back than eighteen months.

Well, chacun à son goût; we are, indeed, a little peculiar in our usages, and have promoted a good deal of village coquetry, and the flirtations of the may-pole, to the drawing-room.

Our usages render such attendance exceedingly close, and, on the other hand, forbid strangers to interrupt or take notice thereof.

When I part with her, it will be to some one of my own customs and opinions; and to us this close confinement of girls appears to transcend reasonable restraint, as it contradicts the theoretical freedom and equality granted by law to the sex, but utterly withheld by the social usages which have grown out of that law.

"Yes, sir," she replied, with the respectful formality prescribed by the usages of the time, "we correspond regularly.

It was not a work for politicians, novices, or inexperienced theorists, but for trained statesmen and jurists, who were conversant with the fundamental principles of international law, with the usages of nations in their intercourse with one another, and with the successes and failures of previous experiments in international association.

The inhabitants of this place are all Christians, and follow the usages of the Greek church.

It has sometimes been suggested that the superiority of the Greeks in delineating the figure, arose from the familiarity with it which they acquired from their frequent opportunities of viewing it nude,on account of their usages, costumes, climate, &c.

There had grown up around it many traditions and special usages.

What eager snatches at mere words, and bald technics, irrespective of connection, principles of construction, Bible usages, or limitations of meaning by other passagesand all to eke out such a sense as sanctifies existing usages, thus making God pander for lust.

What eager snatches at mere words, and bald technics, irrespective of connection, principles of construction, Bible usages, or limitations of meaning by other passagesand all to eke out such a sense as sanctifies existing usages, thus making God pander for lust.

It records without rebuke, Noah's drunkenness, Lot's incest, and the lies of Jacob and his mothernot only single acts, but usages, such as polygamy and concubinage, are entered on the record without censure.

What, then, is their relation to the particular precepts, institutions, and usages, which are authorized and enjoined in the New Testament?

They first ascribe, unwittingly, perhaps, to the primitive churches; the character, relations, and condition of American Christianity, and amidst the deep darkness and strange confusion thus produced, set about interpreting the language and explaining the usages of the New Testament!

How far, in obeying this command, we are to go, we may infer from the admonitions and instructions which James applies to the arrangements and usages of religious assemblies.

In these facts we have the various institutions, usages, designs, doings, and sufferings of the church of Christ.

Placing themselves amidst the arrangements and usages which grew out of the corruptions of Christianity, they make these the standard by which the gospel is to be explained and understood!

A fair specimen this of the manner in which modern usages are made to interpret the sacred Scriptures? Of the particular passages in the New Testament on which the apologists for slavery especially rely, the epistle to Philemon first demands our attention.

Similar usages on other continents might be cited.

He seems to be ignorant of the usages of society, but it is easy to see that he has infinite wit.

The system of payment of lodge-dues does not by any means belong to the ancient usages of the fraternity.

2053 examples of  usages  in sentences