31 examples of vivendi in sentences

It is worth while indeed to examine the system of Islâm from this special point of view, and to try to find the terms on which a durable modus vivendi might be established between Islâm and modern thought.

"We are unalterably convinced that England is our mortal enemy, and that all endeavours to find a modus vivendi will be in vain.

'Vivendi recte qui prorogat horam, Rusticus expectat dum defluat amnis; at ille Labitur et labetur in omne volubilis aevum.

The solution of the question lies not in our academic discussion of the ideal position, it lies in an honest appointment of a mixed commission of absolutely independent Indian Mussulmans and Hindus and independent Europeans to investigate the real wish of the Armenians and the Arabs and then to come to a modus vivendi where by the claims of the nationality and those of Islam may be adjusted and satisfied.

He had up to that time the peculiar idea that a preliminary treaty was in the nature of a modus vivendi which could be entered into independently by the Executive and which would restore peace without going through the formalities of senatorial consent to ratification.

Gregory, Thomas W., and Wilson's modus vivendi idea.

Juvenal, indeed, gives us a noble picture of inflexible virtue: "Esto bonus miles, tutor bonus, arbiter idem Integer: ambiguae si quando citabere testis, Incertaeque rei, Phalaris licet imperet ut sis, Falsus, et admoto dictet perjuria tauro, Summum crede nefas animam praeferre pudori, Et propter vitam vivendi perdere causas.

But the Powers were not ready to permit the dissolution of their anxiously constructed edifice; and they met together with a view to arranging some secure modus vivendi.

But, of course, quite apart from such considerations, Serbia was suffering from the extreme exhaustion consequent upon waging two wars within a year, and her statesmen, despite the rebuffs administered by Count Berchtold, were genuinely anxious for a modus vivendi with the neighbouring Monarchy, as an essential condition to a period of quiet internal consolidation.

truce, armistice; suspension of arms, suspension of hostilities, stand-down; breathing time; convention; modus vivendi

It is most important for everyone who is capable of higher and nobler thoughts to keep their mind from being so completely engrossed with private affairs and vulgar troubles as to let them take up all his attention and crowd out worthier matter; for that is, in a very real sense, to lose sight of the true end of lifepropter vitam vivendi perdere causas.

Haec est vivendi conditio.

" "Their God is their belly," as Paul saith, Sancta mater saturitas;quibus in solo vivendi causa palato est.

Si principes imperii institutioni meae adhaererent, ego multo meliorem modum credendi et vivendi ordinarem.

Such a step would be regarded as a proof that the Pope no longer opposed Lorenzo's government, but that a modus vivendi had been reached, agreeable to all parties.

In solo vivendi causa palato est. Juv.

The objects of living are, for the most part, obscure and variable, and prudent livers may well ask why for the obscure and variable objects of life they should lose life itself"Propter causas vivendi perdere vitam," if we may reverse the old quotation.

In 1096 the Council of Nîmes laid down a modus vivendi without pronouncing upon the principle.

And when all was said; when the new modus vivendi had been fairly established and the hour grew late, Kent went voluntarily with Ormsby to the smoking-compartment, "to play the string out decently," as he afterward confessed to Loring.

* * * Ergo consuetudinem sermonis, vocabo consensum eruditorum sicut vivendi, consenum honorum.

One can generally establish a modus vivendi, and unless the man is untrustworthy as well, one may hope to live peacefully with him.

In solo vivendi causa palato est. Juv.

Spenser, however, was himself too much influenced by the popular impulse for his example to be decisive in favour of the regular tradition, while, by the time Milton wrote, a hybrid form had established itself on a more or less secure basis and a modus vivendi had already been achieved.

But it was certainly incumbent on the Government to find a modus vivendi with the least possible delay.

May I ask if you will ratify the arrangement, as a modus vivendi?" "Mr. von Harris," answered the daughter of the eminent diplomat, "don't you think it would have been a more graceful recognition of my administrative entity if you had asked me first?

31 examples of  vivendi  in sentences