37 examples of vizard in sentences

After a Knocking, enter Bredwel in his masking Habit, with his Vizard in the one Hand, and a Light in t'other, in haste.

Who is't that to their Beauty would submit, And yet refuse the Fetters of their Wit? He tells you tales of Stratagems and Spies; Can they need Art that have such powerful Eyes? Believe me, Gallants, he'as abus'd you all; There's not a Vizard in our whole Cabal: Those are but Pickeroons that scour for prey And catch up all they meet with in their way; Who can no Captives take, for all they do Is pillage ye, then gladly let you go.

No Woman without Vizard in the Nation Can see it twice, and keep her reputation That's certain, Forgetting That he himself, in every gross Lampoon, Her leuder Secrets spread about the Town; Whilst their feign'd Niceness is but cautious Fear, Their own Intrigues should be unravel'd here.

But stay; me thinks some Vizard-Mask I see Cast out her Lure from the mid Gallery: About her all the fluttering Sparks are rang'd; The Noise continues, though the Scene is chang'd: Now growling, sputt'ring, wauling, such a clutter!

No Woman without Vizard.

He wears a black vizard with wine-stained cheeks.

Now, bursting from the green, Beltane beheld Sir Pertolepe writhing in his bonds with Walkyn's fierce fingers twined in his red hair, and Walkyn's busy dagger at his upturned brow, where was a great, gory wound, a hideous cruciform blotch whence pulsed the blood that covered his writhen face like a scarlet vizard.

But now the vizard droppeth, crush'd and torn, And there is nought left but some tinsell'd rags, To mock the wearer in the face of morn, As through the gaping world she feebly drags Her day-born measure of reproach and scorn.

But he's like one, that over a sweet face Puts a deformed vizard; for his soul Is free from any such intents of ill: Only to try my patience he puts on An ugly shape of black intemperance; Therefore, this blot of shame which he now wears, I with my prayers will purge, wash with my tears.

Others take a more crooked path yet, the king's high-way; where at length their vizard is plucked off, and they strike fair for Tyburn: but their brother's pride, not love, gets them a pardon.

So much for his warlike or ammunition face, which is so preter-natural that it is rather a vizard than a face; Mars in him hath but a blinking aspect, his face of arms is like his coat, partie per pale, soldier and gentleman much of a scantling.

When he salutes a friend he pulls off his hat, as women do their vizard-masks.

" My intent is no otherwise to use his name, than Mercurius Gallobelgicus, Mercurius Britannicus, use the name of Mercury, Democritus Christianus, &c.; although there be some other circumstances for which I have masked myself under this vizard, and some peculiar respect which I cannot so well express, until I have set down a brief character of this our Democritus, what he was, with an epitome of his life.

What shape hast thou devis'd, To be my vizard to delude the worlde? Allen.

I am His weapon, His sword, and His vizard!

Bourdaloue, a great authority, extends this restriction still farther, and denounces all attempts to unmask hypocrisy by raillery, because in doing so the satirist is necessarily compelled to expose to ridicule the religious vizard of which he has divested him.

Nor could his acts too close a vizard wear, To 'scape their eyes whom guilt had taught to fear, 180 And guard with caution that polluted nest, Whence Legion twice before was dispossess'd: Once sacred house; which, when they enter'd in, They thought the place could sanctify a sin; Like those that vainly hoped kind Heaven would wink, While to excess on martyrs' tombs they drink.

Your Venus once was a Platonic queen; Nothing of love beside the face was seen; But every inch of her you now uncase, And clap a vizard-mask upon the face.

Modern plots, commonly known by the name of trapdoors, ladders of ropes, vizard-masques, and tables with broad carpets over them.

The Frontispiece represents at full length Juvenal receiving a mask of Satyr from Apollo's hand, and hovered over by a Cupid who will bind the Head to its Vizard with a Laurel Crown.]

And then all mischief I can think upon, Abusing of your bed the least and poorest, I tell you what you'le finde, and in these fitts, This little beauty you are pleased to honour, Will be so chang'd, so alter'd to an ugliness, To such a vizard, ten to one, I dye too, Take't then upon my death you murder'd me.

In her best Vizard Methinks she looks but lowzily. Ant.

Then his intent arriving, the vizard of his hypocrisie pull'd of[f] to the Judge criminal.

Then his intent arriving, The vizard of his hypocrisie poll'd off To the Judge criminal.

They arrived at the particular juncture when Sir Francis, having presented the wedding-ring to the priest was in the act of receiving it back from him, in order that it might be placed upon the finger of the bride; and the noise made by the promoter, who still wore his vizard, drew all eyes upon him, and upon the damsel by whom he was accompanied.

37 examples of  vizard  in sentences