Which preposition to use with akin

to Occurrences 538%

"Be sleepless in the things of the spirit," says Pythagoras, "for sleep in them is akin to death.

in Occurrences 9%

Now words may be akin in either of two ways.

by Occurrences 1%

The conductors of "The Atlantic" have the painful duty of announcing to their readers the death of CALVIN W. PHILLEO, author of "Akin by Marriage," published in the earlier numbers of this magazine.

than Occurrences 1%

Landor and Byron, in many respects more akin than any other two Englishmen of their age, were always separated by an unhappy bar or intervening mist.

through Occurrences 1%

In consequence, he did not remain unknown to the Prince Elector of Mainz, and since the University of Erfurt was to be revived under Emmerich Joseph, our friend was summoned thither, thus exemplifying the tolerant sentiments which, from the beginning of the century, have spread among men who are akin through the Christian faith, and have even permeated humanity as a whole.

with Occurrences 1%

One who "fights for prizes" would have been better; but we suspect that the word is more nearly akin with the French prise (in the sense of venir aux prises) than with prix.

Which preposition to use with  akin