Which preposition to use with archives

of Occurrences 136%

It is food for reflection that the thought which is evolved from the shadowy recesses of our brain to-day, should be, by the mysterious camera of electricity, photographed upon the retina of the Australian public to-morrow, and we need to have the archives of our memory enlarged to hold the voluminous correspondence of the century.

at Occurrences 12%

and Queen Caroline," from the family archives at Ickworth.

of Occurrences 11%

An unfortunate second marriage almost broke his heart, and an attempt to found in New York a new medical periodical, the Archives of Scientific and Practical Medicine and Surgery, got him into hot water.

in Occurrences 10%

That old charter, written on parchment, is still among the archives in the Connecticut State Department.

for Occurrences 7%

Respecting this letter an Italian critic observes that "it is the most ancient known writing of Amerigo relating to his voyages to the New World, having been composed within a month after his return from his second voyage, and remaining buried in our archives for a long time.

from Occurrences 6%

The purpose of this provision is to free the general government from having to depend upon the protection of any state, and to enable it to secure the public buildings and archives from injury and itself from insult.

in Occurrences 3%

* The above narrative, though it is necessary to a full understanding of the experiences of the Little Pilgrim in the Unseen, does not belong to her personal story in any way, but is drawn from the Archives in the Heavenly City, where all the records of the human race are laid up.

as Occurrences 2%

Hurriedly he fumbled for his note-book, and there, in that house of death, with his paper propped against the wall, he wrote a two-hundred-word description; a description so photographically exact that to this day it is preserved in the Buffalo police archives as a perfect model.

with Occurrences 2%

We kept the letters in our archives with many other curious specimens.

at Occurrences 2%

The Dominion Archives at Ottawa possess an immense mass of originals, facsimiles, and verbatim copies of every kind, including maps and illustrations.

for Occurrences 1%

Result of Some Researches among the British Archives for Information relative to the Founders of New England, made in the Years 1858, '59, and '60.

Which preposition to use with  archives