Which preposition to use with bewails

in Occurrences 6%

There they bewailed in secret the fallen glory of their race, but suppressed their groans, lest they should be heard by their enemies and increase their triumph.

with Occurrences 4%

After a great deal of this sort of thing, Rust was spurred up to suggest that he also was weary, and that nothing could be more delightful than to sit beside Madame upon those sands and to bewail with her the woes of their common country.

as Occurrences 3%

However that were, his disappearance seemed to be bewailed as some general calamity.

to Occurrences 2%

When we approached [the place where the king was], I, seeing Mubarak asleep, fell at that beautiful woman's feet, and bewailing to her the restless state of my heart, and my helpless condition, owing to the threats of Maliki Sadik, and that from the day I had seen her picture, I had forsworn sleep and food and repose; and now that God had shewn to me this day, I still remained an utter stranger to her.

at Occurrences 1%

[Cries repeated] Perhaps worn out and weak, hungry and emaciated, they bewail at once the broad nets of the South and the tough bows of the North.

Which preposition to use with  bewails