Which preposition to use with contractors

for Occurrences 22%

The contractor for provisions was Jonato Berardi, a Florentine merchant settled at Seville; and, owing to his death, the contracting work fell upon his assistant Amerigo Vespucci, who was very actively employed on this service from April, 1497, to May, 1498.

in Occurrences 10%

The term "sweater" has thus by the outside world, and sometimes by the workers themselves, come to be generally applied to sub-contractors in small City trades.

of Occurrences 9%

" "But the fact remains that sometimes there are cockfights during the week," objected Padre Camorra, "and it wouldn't be right when the contractors of the cockpits pay the government" "Well, on those days close the school!" "Man, man!"

on Occurrences 8%

After delivering the messages, I visited the town of Ellsworth, about three miles west of Fort Harker, and there I met a man named William Rose, a contractor on the Kansas Pacific Railroad, who had a contract for grading near Fort Hays.

at Occurrences 4%

*** "My hopes of fortune have been dispelled by unremunerative Government contracts," said a contractor at the Liverpool Bankruptcy Court.

to Occurrences 4%

Vanderberg had made a fortune as a contractor to the French army; he is mentioned in Ida Saint Elme's Mémoires d'une contemporaine and elsewhere.

with Occurrences 2%

It would surprise a visitor in New York or Chicago to be informed that his broker or his lawyer or his banker or a contractor with whom he has business, had gone to a bathhouse or gymnasium at three o'clock in the afternoon, but in Stockholm it is a common reply to an inquiry.

from Occurrences 2%

" Then the two gray-garbed women hurried to the train, but found no seats together until a lank, sad-eyed lieutenant of artillery gave up his place and doubled in with a sweating, red-necked contractor from St. Louis, who sat in his shirt sleeves, fanning himself with his straw hat.

like Occurrences 1%

A bill for these purposes, sir, ought to fall upon the contractors like a sudden blow, of which they have no warning or dread; against which they, therefore, cannot provide any security, and which they can neither elude nor resist.

between Occurrences 1%

The original contains a few more details, but is too long to quote: Francois and Martin, fifty years of age, worked as railroad contractors between Quimper and Châteaulin.

out Occurrences 1%

They are so strongly entrenched that they have put contractors out of business because they would not submit to blackmail.

as Occurrences 1%

The vestry had been used by the contractor as an office; the plain deal table was littered with scraps of paper.

against Occurrences 1%

There were a good many mentions of the explosion in New York, too, and hints, dark, but uncommonly straight, that the great Sunday School teacher had been the author and stage-manager of an awful comedy designed expressly to injure a firm of contractors against whom he had a standing grudge.

Which preposition to use with  contractors