Which preposition to use with dedicate

to Occurrences 940%

[eBook #10027] Language: English Chatacter set encoding: US-ASCII ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE TRIPLE ALLIANCE*** E-text prepared by Lionel G. Sear of Truro, Cornwall, England, and dedicated to the memory of R. F. Mudie, who won the book used as the source for this e-text as Form II First Prize for the Summer Term in 1901 at the Seafield House Preparatory School, Broughty Ferry, Scotland

in Occurrences 57%

The moon-daisy, the type of a class of plants resembling the pictures of a full moon, were exhibited, says Dr. Prior, "in uterine complaints, and dedicated in pagan times to the goddess of the moon."

as Occurrences 10%

Trevecca House was formally opened and dedicated as a theological college on August 24, 1768, the anniversary of the birthday of the foundress.

on Occurrences 7%

" This church was dedicated on January 6, anciently one of the many dates selected and observed in the East as the day of the birth and baptism of our Master Metaphysician, Jesus of Nazareth.

with Occurrences 6%

[-23-] While Caesar was yet in his fourth consulship Statilius Taurus had both constructed at his own expense and dedicated with armed combat a hunting-theatre of stone on the Campus Martius.

for Occurrences 5%

He possessed an ample fortune, but for a while laid a restraint upon his appetites, and passions, and dedicated for some time a certain number of hours every day to his studies, by which means he acquired a degree of learning, that entitled him to the character of a fine scholar.

by Occurrences 3%

stminster Gazette" so much of these war writings is due, this book is very gratefully dedicated by THE AUTHOR FOREWORD

of Occurrences 2%

"And the princes offered for dedicating of the altar.

ye Occurrences 1%

The crowns offered to me by all the cities of Gaul I have submitted, Conscript Fathers, to your grace; dedicate ye them with your own hands to Jupiter, all-bountiful, all-powerful, and to the other immortal gods and goddesses.

after Occurrences 1%

Under this title pictures and churches have been dedicated after the cessation of a plague, or any other public calamity.

at Occurrences 1%

This forum which he had constructed and the temple of Venus, looked upon as the founder of his race, he dedicated at this very time.

from Occurrences 1%

The sacred holiday season, dedicated from time immemorial to household joy and mirth, and calling for Christian gratitude and hope, was already saddened by bereavements, and her deathabsolutely unlooked for by memade it melancholy and mournful.

like Occurrences 1%

After 1943 it was joined by a dozen other European, Asian and American countries, dedicated like the Soviet Union to the task of building socialism.

under Occurrences 1%

For music she had no taste, and the time which would have been thrown away in endeavoring to cultivate a talent she did not possess, was dedicated under the discreet guidance of her aunt, to works which had a tendency both to qualify her for the duties of this life, and fit her for that which comes hereafter.

unto Occurrences 1%

The which I dedicate unto your La. as whome it most speciallie concerneth, and to whome I acknowledge my selfe bounden by manie singular favours and great graces.

about Occurrences 1%

She places one hand on the head of a diminutive kneeling figure, Pope Nicholas IV., by whom the mosaic was dedicated about 1290; the other hand, stretched forth, seems to recommend the votary to the mercy of Christ.

Which preposition to use with  dedicate