Which preposition to use with gawd

fo Occurrences 1%

" "Well, thank Gawd fo' some sho' nuff lovin' at las'" said Ardelia, as she backed out behind the Professor, and closed the door.

for Occurrences 1%

She replied softly, never forgetting her place for an instant: "There is joy, sirin 'eavenover one sinner that repenteth, and in church there goes up prayer to Gawd for those 'oowell, for the others, sir, 'oo" She cut short her sentence thus.

of Occurrences 1%

"I'd give somethin'" he said, "to be sure this Bill, as you make such a gawd of, is a real personor whether, bein' born different to the rest of yer sex, you've 'ad to invent 'im." Many locks encumber the descending levels of the Stratford-on-Avon Canal, and they kept Sam busy.

Which preposition to use with  gawd