Which preposition to use with kershaw

at Occurrences 2%

"The assignation might be a cunning trap, in any case it was a curious one; why, she argued, did not Smethurst elect to see Kershaw at his hotel the following day?

of Occurrences 2%

Signor Torriani and the waiter gave a description of William Kershaw, which coincided exactly with that given by Mrs. Kershaw of her husband.

as Occurrences 1%

The body, as I said, was decomposed beyond all recognition; it had probably been there eleven days, but sundry articles, such as a silver ring and a tie pin, were recognizable, and were identified by Mrs. Kershaw as belonging to her husband.

in Occurrences 1%

On arriving at the squalid lodging in Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, he found William Kershaw in a wild state of excitement, and his wife in tears.

through Occurrences 1%

Had the landlord of that hotel heard of the disappearance of Kershaw through the usual channels, he would have put himself in communication with the police.

Which preposition to use with  kershaw