Which preposition to use with sieges

of Occurrences 911%

The large flag you see drooping from the roof is commemorative of the siege of Antwerp, being the one used by General Chassé on that occasion, the various groups of smaller ones being reminiscences of the eighty years' Spanish war and of Indian foes.

to Occurrences 204%

The Colonel and his Commanding Sister lay siege to ESTELLE'S heart.

in Occurrences 51%

She thought upon the dreary siege in Baja's desert vale When the fight was long and the food of beasts and men began to fail, And her wretched father, forced to yield, gave up his castle hold, For falling were the towers, falling fast his warriors bold.

by Occurrences 22%

These wild mercenaries becoming turbulent, he was obliged to despatch them to Mesolonghi, then threatened with siege by the Turks and anxiously waiting relief.

with Occurrences 17%

Mahomet II spent the winter at Adrianople, preparing everything necessary for commencing the siege with vigor.

from Occurrences 11%

An immense tower of timber, mounted on many wheels, and constructed on the model used in sieges from the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans, was dragged up to the edge of the ditch.

for Occurrences 7%

[Sidenote:13] Having prosecuted the siege for twenty days he next came to Palestine and sacrificed to the spirit of Pompey: and into [upper] Egypt

at Occurrences 6%

As for the Astures, as soon as they had been repulsed in a siege at some point and had subsequently been beaten in battle, they made no further resistance but were straightway subdued.

on Occurrences 6%

The tide of ruin was stemmed at Newstadt in Austria, by the bravery of fifty knights and twenty cross-bow-men; and the Tartars, awed by the fame of the valour and arms of the Franks, or inhabitants of western Europe, raised the siege on the approach of a German army, commanded by the emperor Frederic the Second.

into Occurrences 6%

Disappointed in the project of taking the place by storm, he changed his plan of operations, and resolved, with the assistance of the ships of war, which were lying at anchor off the bar, to turn the siege into a blockade, and to shut up every channel by which provisions could be conveyed to the garrison.

against Occurrences 5%

I will camp against thee round about, and lay siege against thee with a mount, and I will raise forts against thee, and thou shalt be brought down....

before Occurrences 3%

Placentia resisted him as bravely as it had resisted Hannibal twelve years before, and for some time Hasdrubal was occupied with a fruitless siege before its walls.

after Occurrences 2%

The castle lost the greatest part of its beauty in a siege after the battle of Hexham.

during Occurrences 2%

Few cities have undergone more memorable sieges during ancient and mediaeval times than has the city of Syracuse.

like Occurrences 2%

XIV.After spending several days in the same camp, the guards of the Bellovaci, learning that Caius Trebonius was advancing nearer with his legions, and fearing a siege like that of Alesia, send off by night all who were disabled by age or infirmity, or unarmed, and along with them their whole baggage.

within Occurrences 2%

I go for to find a certain castle called Beaurepaire, and I intend to endeavor to liberate the lady of that castle from the duress of a certain knight hight Sir Clamadius, who, I understand, holds her by siege within the walls thereof.

without Occurrences 2%

"We hear of no suffering in town for fuel or provisions, and I think we could stand a three months' siege without much inconvenience as far as the physicals are concerned.

tofore Occurrences 1%

And on a time when Joab was out with his men of war lying at a siege tofore a city, David was at home, and walked in his chamber, and as he looked out at a window he saw a fair woman wash her and bain her in her chamber, which stood against his house, and demanded of his servants who she was, and they said she was Uriah's wife.

until Occurrences 1%

He saw the warriors gather by-and-by in a deep recess out of rifle shot, light a fire and begin to cook great quantities of game, as if they meant to stay there and keep the siege until doomsday, if necessary.

as Occurrences 1%

He wrote a letter to the King of Spain, acquainting him, 'That he designed to take up arms in his Majesty's service, and apprehending that his forces were going to reduce the town of Gibraltar under his obedience, he hoped he should have his permission to assist at the siege as a volunteer.'

in Occurrences 1%

Mr. SPECTATOR, 'I have assisted in several Sieges in the Low-Countries, and being still willing to employ my Talents, as a Soldier and Engineer, lay down this Morning at Seven a Clock before the Door of an obstinate Female, who had for some time refused me Admittance.

of Occurrences 1%

HUGHES, John, Memoir by Duncombe, iii. 314, n. 2; Sieges of Damascus, iii. 259, n. 1; Spenser, edits, i. 270; mentioned, iv. 36, n. 4.

than Occurrences 1%

This proposal made the Earl of Worcester's party more eager for the siege than before, for they had no mind to a blockade which would leave the country to maintain the troops all the summer; and of all men the prince did not please them, for, he having no extraordinary character for discipline, his company was not much desired even by our friends.

beyond Occurrences 1%

It was becoming more and more evident to him that he was not advancing in the sentimental siege beyond the first parallel thrown up so skilfully on the last night of the westward journey.

Which preposition to use with  sieges