Which preposition to use with submerges

in Occurrences 58%

In a minute, it seemed, it was upon me, and I was submerged in a deep red mist.

for Occurrences 9%

He was submerged for a second only, and when he came up he had the satisfaction of feeling that he had still got the lamb; and gripping the struggling thing tightly in his arms, he made for the opposite bank.

to Occurrences 7%

He stood now on a slant, his body submerged to the waist.

beneath Occurrences 6%

" At something after that stilly one-o'clock hour when all the sleeping noises of lath and wainscoting creak out, John Burkhardt lifted his head to the moving light of a lamp held like a torch over him, even the ridge of his body completely submerged beneath the great feather billow of an oceanic walnut bedstead.

at Occurrences 6%

I submerged at once.

under Occurrences 3%

The earth was invisible for two reasons: it may be because man, the spectator, did not yet exist, or because, being submerged under the waters which overflowed the surface, it could not be seen, since the waters had not yet been gathered together into their own places, where God afterward collected them and gave them the name of sea.

by Occurrences 2%

Dip the skin in this, and keep it well and entirely submerged by placing some heavy weight on it.

of Occurrences 2%

Samuel heard the shutting of the kitchen door, and knew that Blossy was at home, and a strange shyness submerged of a sudden his eagerness to see her.

within Occurrences 1%

There are certain clubs in the city where a man may purchase nightly oblivion for the modest sum of two or three annas; and hither come regularly, like homing pigeons at nightfall, the human flotsam and jetsam, which the tide of urban life now tosses into sight for a brief moment and now submerges within her bosom.

below Occurrences 1%

Beneath the furnace is a vault containing a wrought-iron water-tank, B, into which the open mouth of the retort, C, projects downward and is submerged below the water.

beyond Occurrences 1%

" She was not gone, indeed, much longer than that, but when she came back from her kitchenette he had dropped like a log upon her divan, submerged beyond all soundings.

like Occurrences 1%

Yet other counting they did, for now out of Sand Island Channel, just west of the ships, came a shorter lineone, two, three, four strange barely discernible things, submerged like crocodiles, a hump on each of the first two, two humps on each of the others, crossed the fleet's course and led the van on the sunward side to bring themselves first and nearest to Morgan, its water-battery, and the Tennessee.

on Occurrences 1%

Of course, to do this, the line of reef just mentioned must come very near the surface; as in fact was the case, the rock rising so high as to be two or three feet out of water on the ebb, though usually submerged on the flood.

until Occurrences 1%

A glance which Williams allowed him through the periscope showed an expanse of bright blue sea sparkling under a clear sky and a light breeze, but with no sail in sight, and shortly afterwards G2 was submerged until nothing but her periscope remained above the surface.

with Occurrences 1%

Pusong had transgressed the law, and was for this reason put into a cage to be in a short time submerged with it into the sea.

Which preposition to use with  submerges