Which preposition to use with utopia

of Occurrences 13%

You must create a radical reform in every department of life; in business, in social habits, in the fashions, in the mode of living, in everything, before you can hope to reach the Utopia of which you speak.

in Occurrences 6%

The players of the National League and the American Association deserted to join the Brotherhood League, upon a platform that promised Utopia in Base Ball.

beneath Occurrences 1%

In Jerusalem the Bolsheviks, astonishingly credulous of "secret" news from Moscow, and skeptical of every one's opinion but their own, were bolsheviking Marxian Utopia beneath a screen of such arrogant innocence that even the streetcorner police constables suspected them.

from Occurrences 1%

Yet all these people remained curious as to what might be beyond the distance, and a hundred years ago were fitting out exploring expeditions to search for Utupu, a Utopia from which the god Tao introduced the cocoanut-tree.

on Occurrences 1%

King James sold two hundred baronetcies of the United Kingdom, for one thousand pounds each; and Mr. Owen offers an unlimited number of presidentships in his incipient Utopia on the same advantageous terms.

to Occurrences 1%

" Pretty quick, isn't it, to change from Utopia to threatenings of the worst sort of Communism?

Which preposition to use with  utopia