9 Verbs to Use for the Word begs

"Come, I'll explain; don't ask her now, at any rateI beg of you as a gentlemanas a gentleman, for you are a gentleman.

We pray that "temptations may never assail us," And "deliverance beg from all evil" we find; But we never can hope that our pray'r will avail us, If we strive not to banish ill thoughts from our mind.

What mortal can deny When suppliant beauty begs?

"I don't w-wish to open 'counts th-that've ben settled so long; an' more, I don't intend to ber-ber-beg from you, nor a-anybody else.

And he be so, tut, thou hast favour store; Let the knave beg, beauty cannot be poor.

" "You need beg for nothing.

" "Oh, I beg your pardon, sir," said the 'bus-conductor, and underlined the "beg" with the ting of her ticket-puncher.

Slow good hap comes by chance; Flattery best fares; Arts are but idle wares: Fair words want giving hands, The Lento begs that hath no lands.

And Norris, a captain under Sidney, in whose veins flowed the blood of Sir Philip, writing home to Elizabeth, begs and persuades her to believe in O'Neill's crimes, and asks for leave to send a hired man to poison him!

9 Verbs to Use for the Word  begs