104 examples of ish in sentences

A good selve-ish speech!But I thought that friendship, gratitude, and humanity, were matters that ought to be deemed of the most intimate concern to us.

Whatever that ish.

I say tam dis country, vere day say all is alike, an' vork all; and ven you come here, it is dat nobody vill vork, if he can help, and vimmins ish shame to be seen vork.

Ish-ta-hum-bah, Sleepy Eyes.

* 35 troll cel' er y new' fan gled thatch chink' ing as par' a gus im mense' sauce' pan de mol' ish ing sa' vor y pat' terns ag' gra va ting THE MINNOWS WITH SILVER TAILS.

But even this change of plan, this more feminine line of politics failed to reconcile the strict and the stern, the Queen Charlotte-ish elderly ladies, and the impeccable matrons, to Lady Kirkbank and her set.

In short, if they came in contact only with the best white men, and were neither furnished with ardent spirits nor threatened with extermination by encroachment?" ISH-KO-DA-WAU-BO.I had a pleasant passage up the Lakes in the steamer "Sheldon Thompson."

2. The Trochee, or Choree, is a poetic foot consisting of a long syllable and a short one; as, h=atef~ul, p=ett~ish, l=eg~al, m=eas~ure, h=ol~y. 3.

L. Murray copied this passage literally, (though anonymously,) as far as the colon; and of course his book teaches us to account "the termination ish, in some sort, a degree of comparison.

Sanborn expresses the doctrine thus: "Adjectives terminating with ish, denote a degree of comparison less than the positive; as, saltish, whitish, blackish.

Wilcox says, "Words ending in ish, generally express a slight degree; as, reddish, bookish."Practical Gram., p. 17.

ish in ... to sight, Hope be emp ... tied in deli ... ight, Love in Heaven will shine more bri ... ight, There ...


Sulamith Ish-Kishor (A); 1Jun60; R258308. JACKSON, A. V. WILLIAMS.

SEE Ish-Kishor, Sulamith.


Sulamith Ish-Kishor (A); 14Dec70; R496886.


By Judith Ish Kishor.

Judith Ish Kishor (A); 6May74; R576430. R576431.

By Sulamith Ish-Kishor. NM: chap. 58, p. 316-338.

Sulamith Ish-Kishor (A); 21Mar77; R657660.

Tere ish notting to do mit!" I called out: "Men, what have you had to eat?" "Hard tack, and something they call coffee," was the response.

Suddenly, the face of a Shylock appeared, saying: "Shentlemen, peeshness ish peeshness, and if you can't trade, I will take dat offer.

Ish dot true you patch your breeches mit second-hand scalps you puy in Montreal?

104 examples of  ish  in sentences