58 Verbs to Use for the Word concepts

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Hence, since the understanding is the faculty of judging, the various kinds of connection in judgment must yield the various pure "connective-concepts" (Verknüpfungsbegriffe.K. Fischer) or categories.

If we combine the totality of the original Ideas into the unity of the person the concept of virtue arises.

It is the function of mathematics to connect and compare clear and certain concepts of quantity in order to draw conclusions from them; the function of philosophy is to analyze concepts given in a confused state, and to make them detailed and definite.

Indeed, they form an ideal and exclusive literary concept of the American Negro to such an extent that it is almost impossible to get the reading public to recognize him in any other setting; so I shall endeavor to avoid giving the reader any already overworked and hackneyed descriptions.

Feuerbach, however, uses the concept of sensibility in so wide and vague a sense that, supportedor deceivedby the ambiguity of the word sensation, he includes under it even the most elevated and sacred feelings.

Ordinary logic denies this because it substitutes concepts for real things, and concepts are their own bare selves and nothing else.

This is effected by thinking the contradictory concepts together in a third higher, more comprehensive, and richer concept, whose moments they then form.

Schleiermacher brings the well-nigh forgotten concept of goods again into honor.

Pure reason is able only to analyze concepts into their elements, not to connect new predicates with them.

From this prototype things, as its imperfect copies, derive the material of their possibility; all their manifold determinations are simply so many modes of limiting the concept of the highest reality, which is their common substratum, just as all figures are possible only as different ways of limiting infinite space.

Rationalism regards even those concepts which have a content as innate, whereas it is only formal concepts which are so.

From that finding he developed the concept of repression, i.e., the relegation of a painful experience into the unconscious, and kept imprisoned there by the censor.

This last position, indeed, is limited by the lingering influence of nominalism, which holds the concepts of the mind to be merely abstract copies, and not archetypes of things.

Theism is entirely possible apart from a mistaken anthropomorphism, in so far as through the predicates which we take from inner experience (understanding and will) we do not determine the concept of God as he is in himself, but only analogically in his relation to the world.

Philosophy, therefore, besides the introductory philosophia prima, which discusses the underlying concepts, consists of three parts: physics, anthropology, and politics.

" Possess is lacking in naturalness and unduly emphasizes the concept of ownership.

The former explicates the concept of the subject by bringing into notice an idea already contained in it and belonging to the definition as a part thereof; it is based on the law of contradiction: an unextended body is a self-contradictory concept.

But with our faculty of abstracting and fixing concepts we are there in a second, almost as if we controlled a fourth dimension, skipping the intermediaries as by a divine winged power, and getting at the exact point we require without entanglement with any context.

Both theoretically and practically this power of framing abstract concepts is one of the sublimest of our human prerogatives.

If we reflect on the limitations which oppose the full realization of the ideal of virtue, we gain the concepts of law and duty.

The following is an example of the kind of help that can be given in getting clear the concept of the ten grouping and the processes it involves: [Illustration: Board with hooks, in ranks of nine, and rings]

So first we identify the thing with a concept and then we identify the concept with a definition, and only then, inasmuch as the thing is whatever the definition expresses, are we sure of apprehending the real essence of it or the full truth about it.

That rhetoric is not thus made synonymous with poetic is due to the fact that in rhetoric the images exist to illuminate the concept, while in poetic they are woven into the movement of the plot.

This includes all concepts which are accompanied by a judgment of praise or blame; the most important among them are the ethical concepts.

58 Verbs to Use for the Word  concepts