62 Verbs to Use for the Word fifth

This paragraph states, that the numbers of free persons shall be determined, by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons.

As the King thus became absolute proprietor of Egypt by consent of the people, whom he had saved from starvation through the wisdom and energy of his prime minister, it is probable that later a new division of land took place, it being distributed among the people generally in small farms, for which they paid as rent a fifth of their produce.

The main substance which clothes the bony framework of the body, and which forms about two-fifths of its weight, is the voluntary muscular tissue.

But if it be so, as to the mere question of right between master and slave, it is of tremendous concern to you that this little cluster of slave-owners should possess, besides their own share in the representative hall of the nation, the exclusive privilege of appointing two-fifths of the whole number of the representatives of the people.

On the question for agreeing to include three-fifths of the blacks,Connecticut, Virginia, North Carolina.

But the church of Dorking is in a dilapidated state, and is capable of containing only one-fifth of the inhabitants.

He was sure that North Carolina would never confederate on any terms that did not rate them at least as three-fifths.

For this operation, they usually receive another fifth of the rice.

When I say that I am confident that in this possible and not probable case, I should not repeat or retain one fifth of the original, you will perceive that I consult only my dread of appearing to act amiss, as it would be even more easy to compose the whole anew.

The Doctor gave us to understand that he was about to deliver the fifth of a series of lectures to young men in great cities.

We might expect, then, that each leaf would occupy one-fifth of the circle.

The dreadful typhus fever killed off one-fifth of the population of Serbia during the winter of 1914.

Reckoning, however, at the real value of assignats when the calculation was made, and they were then worth perhaps a fifth of their nominal value, the government was actually at the expence of ten millions sterling a year, for supplying Paris with a very scanty portion of bread!

Is not the wealth of Great Britain founded on cotton, which alone furnishes four-fifths of its exported manufactures?

The population of the new States and Territories created out of the public domain increased between 1800 and 1830 from less than 60,000 to upward of 2,300,000 souls, constituting at the latter period about one-fifth of the whole people of the United States.

Merchants, for instance, thus file their business papers; or rather, since four-fifths of the male baptismal names in the language fall under the four letters, A, F, J, M, they arrange only five bundles, giving one respectively to Antonio, Francisco, José or João, and Manuel, adding a fifth for sundries.

But, so far from their having become the property of Joseph or of his king, it was a part of the bargain, that they were to have as much land as they wantedseed to sow itand four-fifths of the crops.

At the same time the new procurators took with them the fifth which belonged to the King, together with a donative made him by the colony; and, happier than their predecessors, they left the Darien in the end of October, and reached Spain the end of May in the year following.

In the North, the farm woodlands compose two-fifths of all the forests.

At the Congress of Vienna in 1814 the duchy of Warsaw, comprising four-fifths of the ancient kingdom of Poland, was assigned to Russia.

A change of the valuation of lands for the number of inhabitants, deducting two-fifths of the slaves, has received a tacit sanction, and, unless hereafter expunged, will go forth in the general recommendation, as material to future harmony and justice among the members of the Confederacy.

Of the whites, some seventy-five men had been killed or mortally wounded, and one hundred and forty severely or slightly wounded,[40] so that they lost a fifth of their whole number.

"That's it, only I have a watch that marks the fifths of a second.

Hesiod enumerated the days when it might be proper to commence certain undertakings, and those when it was necessary to abstain from every employment; among the latter, he mentions the fifth of every month, when the Infernal Furies were supposed to bestride the earth.

In not more than two or three counties do the negroes appear to have numbered more than one fifth of the population; and by reason of being distributed in detail they were more nearly assimilated to the civilization of the dominant race than in southerly latitudes where they were held in gross.

62 Verbs to Use for the Word  fifth