25 Verbs to Use for the Word gambling

But something can perhaps be done to discourage gamblers' wars, though even here any stockbroker will tell you how difficult it is to suppress gambling without injuring the spirit of enterprise.

" The boy, Harry, utterly renounced gambling and kindred vices.

He resumed his gambling and lost again, but his wives helped him to win back his losses.

Except for a few groups who watched the gambling in the corners of the big room, there was a general movement towards the bar.

The first of the series, "The Octopus," deals with wheat raising and transportation; the second, "The Pit," a vigorous, human story covers wheat-exchange gambling, and appeared in 1903; the third, which was to have been entitled "The Wolf," was cut short by the author's death, which occurred on October 25, 1902.

At successive intervals the best and most enterprising men have been tempted to their ruin by excessive bank loans of mere paper credit, exciting them to extravagant importations of foreign goods, wild speculations, and ruinous and demoralizing stock gambling.

"From the very nature of stock-gambling it is necessary, absolutely necessary, that it be conducted under certain rules, unchangeable, unbreakable rules, to attempt to change or break which would destroy stock-gambling.

Madame du Deffand disliked gambling, but she loathed going to bed, and, if it came to a choice between the two, she did not hesitate: once, at the age of seventy-three, she sat up till seven o'clock in the morning playing vingt-et-un with Charles Fox.

I am inclined to gambleto gamble upon you.

She's afraid of her husband, though she loves him immensely; and lately a craze she's had for Bridge has cost her so much that she daren't tell the Duke, who hates her gambling.

Now I am not preaching at this moment; I may read you one of my sermons some other morning; but I maintain that gambling, on the great scale, is not republican.

Baldwin opened the ball by saying genially "Well, Mr. Gordon, you've played a pretty cute gamble, and I suppose you think you stand to win the pot.

He abhorred both gambling and drunkenness,the fashionable vices of that age.

6. To prohibit gambling; to prevent, or license and regulate the sale of liquor, the keeping of billiard-tables, and the exhibition of circuses and shows of all kinds; to appoint policemen, and provide a place of confinement for offenders against the ordinances.

Sam made us quit gambling, that's all right,

"Very well," he said at last, "you represent rather a gamble on my part, but I am not afraid of the throw.

Does not he restore to the full possession of his former privileges the most worthless man possible,one who would not hesitate to play at dice even in the forum, and who had been convicted under the law which exists respecting gambling,does not he declare in the most open manner his own propensities?

He ridiculed gambling as a source of excitement.

His death did not stop the fascinating gamble for empire.

For a year the crews had been prisoners of that readiness which must not lose a minute in putting to sea if von Tirpitz should ever try the desperate gamble of battle.

They were going to risk half a million dollars of their own money and they wanted the whole gamble for themselves.

This public opinion cannot prevent gambling with dice or stocks, but it can and does compel it to keep comparatively quiet.

And you know that John Howthill stood in the pillory for two hours and had both his hands bored through with a hot iron for allowing gambling inside his coffeehouse. ...

After Estada left the deck the majority amused themselves gambling, and as I had received no orders to interfere, I permitted the games to proceed.

The racer brings with him gambling, cursing, swearing, drinking, the eating of oysters, and a distaste for mob-caps and the middle-aged virtues.

25 Verbs to Use for the Word  gambling