14 Verbs to Use for the Word lobe

Huge ear rings, four or five inches long, pull down the lobes of their ears.

Khosráu then suggested to him to pierce the lobes of Pírán's ears, and drop the blood on the ground to stain it, in order that he might not depart from his word; and this humane fraud was accordingly committed.

I suddenly caught Grey's eyes, and something whistled past my ear, cutting the lobe and shearing off a lock of hair.

In deer and bovine animals the incisors and frequently the canines have disappeared from the upper jaw, and the molars are unlike the premolars in having two lobes instead of one.

This morning I found it broken off, leaving one lobe of the seed-leaves, and one leaf over it.

I will leave a note about it for Bertillon himself, he mustn't miss the lobe of this ear.

The mouth-tube opens under the body, as can be seen by turning the Jelly-fish on its back, and moving the lobes of jelly aside.

Pinnæ ovate-oblong, the lowest pinnately cleft into oblong or ovate cut-toothed lobes, the upper ones less and less divided.

And in those genera in which each squama of the amentum produces two marginal lobes only, as Pinus, Podocarpus, Dacrydium, Salisburia, and Phyllocladus, it nearly resembles the more general form of the antherae in other Phaenogamous plants.

Here, too, we saw a beautiful object, which was seen again more than once about the high woods; a large flower, {162b} spreading its five flat orange-scarlet lobes round yellow bells.

Adam selected a chunk of the brown stuff and bit a lobe of it.

With respect to personal ornaments also, ear-rings must not be so weighty as to tear the lobes of the ears; nor should a bracelet prevent, by its size, the motions of the arm.

He felt something hot sear the lobe of his ear.

In like manner countless numbers of these lobules, bound together by connective tissue, are grouped after the same fashion to form by their aggregation the lobes of the lung.

14 Verbs to Use for the Word  lobe