332 Verbs to Use for the Word neck

The features showed indistinctly, 'round the neck, I made out several light-colored objects.

Bowing to the Holy Father, he is about to pass on, when Judge SWEENEY stops him with "You must be very careful with your friend, BUMSTEAD, this evening, JOHN MCLAUGHLIN, and see that he don't fall and break his neck.

At that instant Diggory, who had been craning his neck forward to get a better view of the intruder, suddenly gripped Acton's arm, and, putting his mouth close to the latter's ear, whispered, "It isn't Blake; it's old Noaks!

Then they returned to the bank for another long session together, and there was quite an eager bustle among the clerks as they stretched their necks to get a glimpse of Mr. Marvin's companion.

If I had my way, I'd wring the whole display's neck, anyhow.

Though the two worlds ne'er bowed my head when elate, Favors as his have bent my neck with their weight.

They mounted on their fairest destriers, vested in hauberks of steel, with laced helmets, and shields hung round their necks.

I thought that he was certainly joking, especially as he had witnessed my awkward performance; but when he assured me that he was in earnest, I told him that it would be useless for me to attempt anything of the kind, for I never could talk to a crowd of people like that, even if it was to save my neck, and that he might as well try to make an actor out of a government mule.

Of all public performers, there are none who "draw" better than the gymnasts who risk their necks by attempting hazardous feats.

"I wonder where that infernal ledge goes to?" said Inspector Chippenfield, vainly twisting his neck and protruding his body through the window to a dangerous extent to see round the corner of the building.

Then indeed, he fell to a walk, patting Nora's neck affectionately and begging her to forgive him for his thoughtlessness.

Poor old man, I guess he didn't know" "My old mandead!" She crept closer, encircling his neck, and her wet cheek close to his dry one.

I suppose you'll put the azalea into the large pewter vase?' 'Yes, and I'll tie this round its neck.'

Pick, draw, singe, wash, and truss them in the following manner, without the livers in the wings; and, in drawing, be careful not to break the gall-bladder:Cut off the neck, leaving sufficient skin to skewer back.

I see she wear this round neck.

I think I've conquered you," he said, proudly, as he stroked her glossy neck; "but what a dance you led me.

They met the tyrant's brandished steel, The lions gory mane; They bowed their necks the death to feel: Who follows in their train?

By Fancy's aid The happy husband flies, his arms to throw 60 Round his wife's neck; the prize of victory laid In her full lap, he sees such sweet tears flow As if thenceforth nor pain nor trouble she could know.

She clasped his neck and gave him kiss for kiss.

With the Touaregs, the civil, or war against the Arabs, replaces the war against the Christians, and has not been less actively celebrated: "We have saddled the shoulders of the docile camel, I excite him with my sabre, touching his neck, I fall on the crowd, give them sabre and lance; And then there remains but a mound, And the wild beasts find a brave meal."[10]

I strain my neck to the point of breaking.

How arched the neck!

"What's that he's got round his neck?" said the Boy, moving nearer.

Here, with her veil, as is permitted only to maidenhood, drawn back from her face, but covering almost entirely her neck and bosom, and clad in the vestal white, reclined with eyes nearly closed a young girl, in whose countenance a beauty almost spiritual was enhanced rather than marred by signs of physical ill-health painfully unmistakable.

Twice a year, in the time of white butterflies and again when young quail ran neck and neck in the chaparral, Seyavi cut willows for basketry by the creek where it wound toward the river against the sun and sucking winds.

332 Verbs to Use for the Word  neck