6 Verbs to Use for the Word physical

In this universal yearning (for it seems to us no less) to connect the physical with its appropriate moral,to say nothing of the mysterious intuition that points to the appropriate,is there not something like a clew to what was originally natural?

Base your own moral standard on all that is noble, and wise and human, and you will find that in you the spiritual begins so to dominate the physical that others will see its power and come to you for help.

Mental action will yet be reduced to laws as definite as those which govern the physical.

We grant that it is wrong to exalt the physical and stunt the mental, but it is also wrong to develop the intellectual and neglect the physical.

They entered the church, because the church they held to be a public place, precisely on the principle that others of their class conceive if a gate be blown open by accident, it removes all the moral defences against trespassers, as it removes the physical.

You represent the physical, and I the spiritual.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  physical