7 Verbs to Use for the Word tinker

" exclaimed the tinker.

"It was that old man with a gray beard who never spoke to anybody an' used to visit the tinker.

And with that he turned on his heel and left the astonished tinker.

"There stands a tinker," quoth Robin, "that would fain take me to Nottingham, there to hang upon the gallows tree.

"Did you tell the tinker about your boss the night we were all at Robin's Inn last summer?

One had nicknamed the other "the melancholy tinker.

" In Hillsborough, where all spoke of him as an odd man of great learning, there were none, saving Trove and two or three others, that knew the tinker well, for he took no part in the roaring gossip of shop and store.

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  tinker