287 Verbs to Use for the Word wine

He ate no flesh food, and drank no wine or spirits.

I shall certainly be more happy in a morning; but whether I shall not sacrifice the fat and the marrow and the kidneys,i.e., the night,glorious, care-drowning night, that heals all our wrongs, pours wine into our mortifications, changes the scene from indifferent and flat to bright and brilliant?

" "Aye, be it so," sighed the Duchess, "bring wine, for I am athirst.

Dropping her eyes from the women, who saw nothing and continued to sip their wine in happy ignorance of the soul-tragedy going on within ten feet of them, she looked down at her dress, then up at the walls about her; and then slowly, anxiously, and with unmistakable terror, at the woman in whose arms she felt herself supported.

She came down-stairs at a certain hour, which she kept to as if it had been of the utmost importance, although it was of no importance at all: she took just so much good wine, so many cups of tea.

Invite him to sup with you, and say you wish to taste the wine of his country.

Then he gave Lister some wine and, after studying his drawings and patterns, said he could make the things required.

Boil half a pound of rice in two quarts of soft water, as soft as you would have it for rice milk, with some slices of lemon-peel, and a stick of cinnamon; add to it a little white wine and juice of lemon to your taste, put in a little candid orange sliced thin, and sweeten it with fine powder sugar; don't let it boil after you put in your wine and lemon, put it in a china dish, with five or six slices of lemon, so serve it up.

CHAMPAGNE.This, the most celebrated of French wines, is the produce chiefly of the province of that name, and is generally understood in England to be a brisk, effervescing, or sparkling white wine, of a very fine flavour; but this is only one of the varieties of this class.

He came up with her presently and ordered some wine.

If they had only discovered Miss Caroline in her cups, or if her shaded rooms had been littered with empty rum bottles and pervaded by the fumes of strong drink, or if she had audaciously offered them wine, doubtless the thing would have been easy.

"Edward the Confessor received yearly, from the manor of Barton, near Gloucester, 3,000 loaves of bread for the maintenance of his dogsIn the reign of Edward III., only three taverns might sell sweet wines in London; one in Cheape, one in Wallbrook, and the other in Lombard Street.

She obeyed him with great punctuality, the money coming in the hand of a handsome lad of eighteen: she did not only admit him to her own table, and produce the best wine in the cellar, but resolved to give him chêre entière.

His the smile of one for whom life's cup holds a heady wine, a wrinkle or two at the eye only serving to enhance that smile; a one-inch feather stuck upright in his derby hatband.

The men-at-arms drink by a good fire, while the burgher bites his nails to buy them wine and wood.

The youngest son produced a bottle containing the thin acid wine of the country, and another of spirits.

She drank;we wouldn't call it drinking, for she just touched the wine with her lips; but to her it was debauch.

She revelled amongst California grapes and pears, and quaffed the California wines with appropriate delight and hilarity.

To stum wine is to renew dead and insipid wine by mixing new wine with it and so raising a fresh fermentation.

After the first course of plates is supplied, his place is at the sideboard to serve the wines, but only when called on. 2158.

No more books were bought; the agent had orders to discontinue sending wine.

"I am a little tired, dear; but I don't want any wine.

After a quarter of an hour of this pleasant conversation, for such all three seemed to find it, Mr. Saffron finished his wine, handed the glass to Beaumaroy, and took a cordial leave of Alec Naylor.

But Isfendiyár replied: "We have both drank too much wine, and nothing good can proceed from a drunken man; I will recite my adventures to-morrow, when my head is clear."

Press out the juice, and to each quart of walnut-liquor allow the above proportion of vinegar, soy, cayenne, shalots, garlic, and port wine.

287 Verbs to Use for the Word  wine