248 oraciones de ejemplo con contain

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=comprender=, to understand, comprehend, know; comprise, embrace, include, contain.

=contener=, to contain, hold, enclose; restrain, repress, control, check; =se=, to restrain oneself.

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They abound in charming descriptions of the home life of the common people and of nature; but they contain many digressions that are personal or didactic, they usually end with a crime, and often they have an air of evident unreality.

, is the subject of =pululaban=. =133.=[133.9] =¡Suya!==¡es de ella (de María Antúnez)! POESÍAS In Spanish poetry the verse-line must contain some definite number of syllables, as in the following six-syllabled lines: En | es | ta |

=31.= The verb to hold as a synonym of to have is translated =tener=; meaning to contain it is =contener=. When it indicates that a thing has a certain capacity it is translated =caber en=. In this last sense the English subject becomes in Spanish the object of the preposition =en=, while the English object becomes the subject of =caber=. He held his hat in his hand all the time.

=que contienen=, which contain.

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=las obras de Echeverría=. His most important works are Elvira o la novia del Plata, Los Consuelos, Lara o la Partida, Las Rimas (which contain among other shorter poems La Cautiva), El Dogma Socialista, and Cantos a Mayo.

o tenerme no sabré or I won't be able to contain myself y seré quien siempre he sido, and I will be what I have always been no queriéndolo ahora ser.

DON GONZALO: Basta, don Juan; no cómo Enough Don Juan: I don't know how me he podido contener, I've been able to contain myself, oyendo tan torpes pruebas listening to the sordid proof de tu infame avilantez.

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248  oraciones de ejemplo con  contain