44 adjectives to describe birthday

I suppose Marjorie and Morris will walk back; we wouldn't have minded it, either, on our eighteenth birthday.

One cannot pass over one's fiftieth birthday without feeling that an event has happened.

Nicolas, the youngest but one of their boys, who was approaching his twentieth birthday, and thus nigh the cross-roads of life, had not yet decided which one he would follow.

On the 15th September, 1910, he celebrated his eightieth birthday.

" On his fifty-fifth birthday he recorded:'I resolve to keep a journal both of employment and of expenses.

CATHER, WILLA. Double birthday.

His eighth birthday fell in the year which closed the eyes of Sir Isaac Newton.

She might possibly have completed her tenth year, which epoch in the life of Mars is about equivalent to the seventeenth birthday of a damsel nurtured in North-Western Europe.

It was just after my tenth birthday.

And on the fly-leaf was written, "To my daughter, on her seventh birthday, from her father.

The final treaty was not signed till his fifty-ninth birthday, the 3rd of the following September.

We were happy children, Alice and I, when, on Alice's sixteenth birthday, we persuaded our father, the most indulgent parent in Cincinnati, that there was no need of our going to school any longer; not that our education was finished,we did not even put up such a preposterous plea as that,but because Mrs. C. did not intend to send Laura, and we did not believe any of our set of girls would go back after the holidays.

Three days before Georgie's sixth birthday a gentleman in a gig, accompanied by a servant, drove up to Mrs. Sedley's house and asked to be conducted to Master George Osborne.

Her nineteenth birthday was approaching, and she determined to prepare a specimen of her abilities to be displayed on that occasion.

So the years slipped by, and in her patient industry Katie forgot how old she was growing, until suddenly, on her thirtieth birthday, somethingthe sight of a deepened line on her face, perhaps, or a pang of memory of the old childish past, such as birthdays always bringsomething smote her with a sudden consciousness that life itself was slipping away, and she was alone.

On the gold back of this frame there was an inscription: "Angela, on her eleventh birthday, from her father.

She noted trifles; she saw a painting over Gratton's heada seascape her father had given her for her fourteenth birthday.

Like his brother before him the duke was very fond of dancing, and kept many a reluctant senior and many a tired-out chaperone up till all hours at the grand ball given in honour of his twenty-fourth birthday.

The doctor, beguiled by professional vanity, feeling what a feather she was in his cap, quite confident that she would reach her hundredth birthday, and with an ecstatic hope that even, by grace of his admirable treatment and her own beautiful constitution, she might (almost) solve the problem and live forever, gave up troubling about the will which at a former period he had taken so much interest in.

Connie said, "Well, I suppose you know what your little birthday present put over on us."

One day in the spring of the year that brought her thirteenth birthday, Elizabeth ran down through the morning mist, and plucked the first spring flower.

It was my twelfth birthday; and on the evening of that day I feared that Mammy's oft-repeated threat of leaving us, at which we had so often trembled in our younger days, was about to be verified.

Presented to A. L. Kroeber in celebration of his sixtieth birthday.

Octavius, to whom the poem is dedicated, is addressed Octavi venerande and sancte puer, a clear reference to the remarkable honor that Caesar secured for him by election to the office of pontiff when he was approaching his fifteenth birthday and before he assumed the toga virilis.

It can shed a mellow lustre on dingy rooms, frayed carpets, and shabby furniture; nay, I have seen its tender rays impart a rare and spiritual beauty to an old, worn, long-loved face; but on the other hand, when this magic light is quenched, or even temporarily shaded, not all the illuminations of a royal birthday are brilliant enough to dispel the gloom its absence leaves about the heart.

44 adjectives to describe  birthday