149 adjectives to describe crises

In 1838, however, Bolton, in Lancashire, suffered from a serious commercial crisis.

The nation to-day is facing a grave crisis in its history.

To force the nation and its parliament to the last step in this momentous crisis, the court itself broke the dynastic tie.

I may be excused, if I catch the panick, and join my groans, at this alarming crisis, with the general lamentation of weeping patriots.

In these circumstances, and confronted by one of the most dangerous crises of his whole life, Lorenzo rose to the occasion and effected a solution of the difficulty by daring to perform what was undoubtedly one of the bravest acts ever achieved by a diplomatist.

In a period of change and convulsion, the most perilous in the history of Great Britain, when sedition stalked abroad, and when the emissaries of France and the abettors of her regicide factions formed a league powerful from their number, and formidable by their talent, in that awful crisis the promptitude of his measures saved his country.

" She was beginning to get hold of herself, to emerge from the emotional crisis into which this meeting had plunged her.

Moments of supreme crisis such as this test the value and the depth of an Alliance.

A severe monetary crisis was one not unnatural result of this distress, so severe that the Funds fell to a price below any that had been quoted for many years, and the reserve in the Bank of England to an amount lower than it had been at any period since 1828.

It is always a solemn crisis when the first step is to be taken in a career of guilt, against which nature and education, or any other strong influences protest.

Fired with this fever of epidemick patriotism, the tailor slips his thimble, the draper drops his yard, and the blacksmith lays down his hammer; they meet at an honest ale-house, consider the state of the nation, read or hear the last petition, lament the miseries of the time, are alarmed at the dreadful crisis, and subscribe to the support of the bill of rights.

" Added to these evils, there was a failure of the potato crop and a monetary crisis.

what a sublime thing does courage seem, when some fearful crisis on the great deeps of life carries a man, as if running before a hurricane, up to the giddy crest of some mountainous wave, from which accordingly as he chooses his course, he describes two courses, and a voice says to him audibly, "This way lies hope; take the other way and mourn for ever!"

On the breaking up of diplomatic relations between Austria and France in 1809, Metternich was recalled to Vienna to take the helm of state in the impending crisis.

The Chamber was taking breath after the holidays and the last ministerial crisis, and giving the new ministry a chance.

I went to clients to fix aquarium equipment such as air pumps and filters, to fix toys in the tanks, to check fish for diseases or if there was a sudden crisis such as fish dying in numbers, or if a client wished to add more fish to his collection.

It was a grand crisis which Henry comprehended, and he therefore sent some of his most powerful barons and prelates to the Continent to advance his cause and secure the papal interposition.

The change was brought about by the domestic crisis through which Russia herself was then passing.

" "Well, one thing more tangible is that the headaches, which seem to mark a kind of nervous crisis, are becoming more frequent.

How, then, do we distinguish a dramatic from a non-dramatic crisis?

Generally, I think, by the fact that it develops, or can be made naturally to develop, through a series of minor crises, involving more or less emotional excitement, and, if possible, the vivid manifestation of character.

While other countries have an economic crisis, Italy experiences, in addition, a mental crisis, but one with which she will be able to cope.

The war of 1870 gave France the impulsive manifestations of La Commune in exactly the same manner as war gave rise in Germany during the first months after the armistice to a violent revolutionary crisis, overcome not without difficulty and still representing a grave menace.

The horses were told, individually and with great tenderness, just what every man expected of them in the approaching crisis.

Cicero's conduct and motives at this eventful crisis have been discussed over and over again.

149 adjectives to describe  crises