27 adverbs to describe how to room

'Is there a room upstairs where we can talk?' "'There is a room up there,' I answered, as steadily as my indignation would let me, and unheeding the idea of compromising myself I went up the dark staircase in front of him.

There would be barely room to pass him on the road itself; none at all on the narrow bridge.

There were two folding chairs that could be used on occasion, and the back seat easily accommodated three, the "Autocrat" being a seven passenger car; but Patsy was perched in front beside Wampus, which was really the choicest seat of all, so there was ample room inside to "swing a cat," as the Major statedif anyone had cared to attempt such a feat.

Once I myself had scarcely room in my heart for a single friend, who am now so wealthy in friendships.

" The main building of that house was only big enough for a "hall," a good-sized parlor opening into it on the right, a bedroom and large closet back of that, and two rooms overhead; but the kitchen and milk-room back, which must have been stuck on at a later day, had only one wide, low garret of a room in the space under the roof.

" "The whole of the rooms downstairs were fitted up as a small hospital during the last year of the war," she explained.

Then she heard the door of the room outside, his bedroom without a doubt, softly opened.

"We've got rather jolly rooms, and we thought if you brought Miss Thingumbob along we could have you in for tea and show you the sights.

I looked round me, and gradually the spacious room, with the weapons upon the wall, and the deer's heads, came dimly back to my memory.

" I followed her into a large apartment to the right of the hallevidently a room of general assembly.

Mrs. Edston's is quite differentbright and pretty, full of flowers and growing plants; tables laden with silver, and photographs of pretty women and children; comfortable chairs, with opulent cushions, soft rugs and hangingsaltogether a very cosy room.

" "Take care, then, and disbelieve in it with all your might!" said she, laughing, and kissing me, as we left her room,my room alone henceforth.


And they knew that those lean, bronzed men out there would shoot them down from room to room as mercilessly as they would kill coyotes.

We have merely room to mention, with warm approbation, the exceedingly dramatic little genre picture entitled "Shoo-fly," by the veteran Minstrel, Mr. DANIEL BRYANT, whose recent translation of HOMER has given him so high a rank among the best German scholars of the day.

But the most popular room of all with visitorsand quite naturallyis the little boudoiresque study of Francis I, with its voluptuous ladies on the ceiling and the secret treasure-room leading from it, while on the way, just outside the door, is a convenient oubliette into which to push any inconvenient visitor.

It was indeed a poor place; obviously the woman's best room, yet showing careless traces of almost daily use.

" "You must admit, my dear Harry," Gifford replied calmly, "that with a man stabbed to death in practically the next room, the blood-stains on Miss Tredworth's dress were bound to give rise to conjecture.

Angela felt confident that she would have precisely the room she pictured; she rather hoped it would be white and green.

I am actually in the melancholy situation of Lord Byron's 'scorpion girt by fire'her circle narrowing as she goesfor I have been pursued by the household troops through every room successively, and begin to think of establishing my métier in the cellar; though I dare say, if I were to fix myself as comfortably in a hogshead as Diogenes himself, it would immediately be discovered that some of the hoops or staves wanted repair."

Though technically "in residence," he had not rooms of his own in College during his first term.

Around these was nothing but the darkness of the night; the room beneath, we know, was also in darkness.

This impression is developed in the memory-room afterward, and framed in your conversation.

She bustled about the room busily, getting out chairs and setting straight things crooked in her zeal.

The Royal Society, until its removal in 1711 to Crane Court, Fleet Street, had its rooms further east, at Gresham College.

27 adverbs to describe how to  room  - Adverbs for  room