166 adverbs to describe how to wanders

That was Patricia's predominating thought as she wandered aimlessly about the apartment.

O Troy, my Troy, thou diest here Most lonely; and most lonely we The living wander forth from thee,

Her red eyes wandered miserably, restlessly, to the window.

In his indecision, he paused on the sidewalk and let his glances wander vaguely over the busy scene before him.

The roadside beggar belongs here, too; and the idiot boy who wanders idly in the open fields; and the girl who withholds (secretly) the name of the father of her child.

" The boys wandered disconsolately through the booking-office of the little country station, and halted outside to consider what was to be done.

During this period both Elliot and his wife devoted themselves, day and night, to the poor sufferer, whose mind wandered continually, and whose deeply-touching lamentations for the beloved one, whom she mourned as dead, brought tears to the eyes of her faithful friends.

Her red eyes wandered miserably, restlessly, to the window.

You're a cheap lot, the whole crew of you!" "Look here, young 'Rats,'" retorted Fletcher junior from the opposite room, wandering rather wide of the subject in hand.

But, involuntarily, his mild blue eyes wandered back lovingly to the long piece of string, on which his playful imagination no doubt already saw a series of knots which would be equally tantalising to tie and to untie.

In the morning he went out on the hillside, wandering listlessly among the rocks, and when the big cat found him there and tried to tempt him to a game he refused to play, for he had not yet got over his disappointment, and could think of nothing but the sea.

For perhaps another hour we wandered onward, chatting quietly and comfortably on this and that matter, and on several occasions stopping while my companionwho is something of an artistmade rough sketches of striking bits of the wild scenery.

But Schepstein, wandering far afield in search of tenement sales a full year after, encountered Annie Oombrella washing down the steps of an office far over in Lewis Street, nearly to the river.

Turning away from the sea we wandered miserably inland, finding as we went various herbs and fruits which we ate, feeling that we might as well live as long as possible though we had no hope of escape.

Thus, limping painfully, and stumbling anon as one smitten blind, he wandered awhile, and so at length found himself beside the little cave; and throwing himself down within its shadows, tore away the bandages her gentle hands had wrought.

Perchance it is that I am growing weak, And faint with wandering afar, afar, And my dim eyes see not the thing I seek;

that through the ocean wyde By conduct of some star doth make her way, Whenas a storm hath dimd her trusty guyde, Out of her course doth wander far astray, So I, whose star, that wont with her bright ray Me to direct, with cloudes is over-cast, Doe wander now in darknesse and dismay, Through hidden perils round about me plast.

The bright eyes of Emily Moseley unconsciously wandered round the brilliant assemblage at Mr. Haughton's, as she took her seat, in search of her partner.

His thoughts wandered dreamily for an instant.

Her head was hanging down, her eyes wandered sadly and thoughtfully toward the distant autumn horizon, and the tender lips wore that expression of soft languor which is so sad a spectacle in the young.

The little trousers slipped from her black fingers by and by, and her eyes wandered out of the window absently.

But as in such novels as "Philidore and Placentia" and "The Agreeable Caledonian" the characters wander widely over the face of Europe and even come in contact with strange Eastern climes, so the writers of romantic tales ransacked the remotest corners of literature and history for sensational matter.

Her hands shook, fluttered, wandered helplessly, as she poured out that cup of tea and handed it to Montesma, a feminine office which she had performed placidly enough for Mr. Smithson.

Yours faithfully, "KARL WANDER.

Such logs as have wandered ashore, or been hung up in back eddies, are collected and sent on to join the others.

166 adverbs to describe how to  wanders  - Adverbs for  wanders