45 adverbs to describe how to wrings

Then, as she reflected upon the terrible consequence which would ensue were she to die and make no sign, she wrung her hands despairingly, crying: "Life, lifeyes, give me life to tell her of my guilt; and then it will be a blessed rest to die.

" Mrs. Holymead wrung her hands helplessly.

Daaga and Ogston coolly gave their hands: Coffin wrung the chaplain's hand affectionately, saying, in tolerable English, "I am now done with the world.

I took hold of his hand and wrung it fervently.

He caught my hand and wrung it heartily.

They merely wring the will out of us; and well we may ask, Who would care for his life if he knew he was going to lose it on the morrow?

She wrung her hands together piteously.

"Ho, MukyMukyRod!" In another moment the three wolf hunters were together, silently wringing one another's hands, the death-like pallor of Rod's face and the tense lines in the bronzed countenances of Mukoki and Wabigoon plainly showing the tremendous strain they had been under.

To an appealing and indignant letter from his sister he wrote gravely, reminding her of the difference in their years, and also that he had never interfered in her flirtations, however sorely his brotherly heart might have been wrung by them.

The boy wrung his hand ecstatically.

And Mr. Cathro made the best of it, wringing Tommy's hand effusively, while muttering, "Fool, donnard stirk, gowk!"

"Well," continued Westwood, "my designs upon her heart, which I was going to wring so unmercifully, did not meet with very brilliant success.

But for all answer he wrung his neck with both hands so fiercely that the head was torn from the body.

After a while the word charter was applied in England to a particular document which specified certain important concessions forcibly wrung by the people from a most unwilling sovereign.

She banged at the door with all her might and main, but the lock held fast and no one came to her rescue; then she rushed to the window and threw it open; but the distance from the ground was too great for even a desperate maiden to jump, and she wrung her hands frantically.

" Mershone stopped short, seized the detective's hand and wrung it gratefully.

But Haworth, I think, would have wrung from her another and perhaps a greater.

It was plain that Lawrence did not want to answeryet there was something in Carroll's mesmeric eyes which wrung words unwillingly from his lips "Just logic," he answered weakly.

and he wrung his hands bitterly.

Poor little ladies of the Orient, how hopelessly you would have wrung your henna-stained fingers!

Thou might'st have kept the timorous king in awe, But I am come myself to fetter thee!" So saying, he the hand of Rustem grasped, And wrung it so intensely, that the champion Felt inwardly surprised, but careless said, "The time is not yet come for us to try Our power in battle."

" I wrung his hand madly.

He wrung it vigorously for a long time before speaking.

People looked at one another, and mournfully wrung one another's hands, as if in the presence, I would say, of a public calamity, were it not that these first moments of distress resembled rather the grief of a disconsolate family which has just lost the object and the mainstay of its hopes.

Onega, the Indian wife, was wringing her hands over the body of her son.

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