14 Metaphors for agency

A more powerful agency in effecting a reform was the loathsome disease which in the fifteenth century began to sweep away millions of licentious men, and led to the survival of the fittest from the moral point of view.

No government functions well in fiscal matters without a budget: what we need in legislative matters is a legislative budget, and by this phrase, I mean that the primary agency for the proposing of laws should be the chief executive of a city, or state or the nation, with the advice and consent of his heads of departments who would form his cabinet or council.

Thus municipal, and what are called communal, savings banks are operated by many European cities; but the most effective and widely used agencies for the purpose are the national post-offices.

"Do you think a matrimonial agency is quite the nicest way of" "It depends what you mean by 'nice,'" said Alice.

I think a matrimonial agency is a very good, useful thing.

Therefore, for those who have not yet reached a more interior perception of the law of Nature, the healing agency of medicine is a most valuable aid to the alleviation of physical maladies.

The actual agency is a poisoned ring concealed in the frame of a portrait of the malevolent Abbess and is in the custody of the Otway family, who enjoy a prescriptive if nebulous right to be stewards of the property.

Whenever we received other long messages, written with some care and more or less filling the side of the slate, the agency employed was adroit substitution, generally effected when the Medium supposed that the attention of his sitters was engrossed with an answer just received to a question addressed to the Spirits.

Thus municipal, and what are called communal, savings banks are operated by many European cities; but the most effective and widely used agencies for the purpose are the national post-offices.

Such agencies are the trappings, decorations and fringes of a civilization.

No. Date COTTRELL'S SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY, NORTH COHOCTON, N.Y. Gentlemen: I (including my family) am now a subscriber to the following publications which were ordered from Name Address If any subscriptions were sent direct to the publishers, state which ones.

The very important agency which this grant has in carrying into effect every other grant is a wrong argument in favor of the construction contended for.

The agency by which, under our system of government, observance of constitutional limitation is enforced is the judicial power.

A MYTH The principal dramatic agencies in Merlin are Satan, Klingsor, Titurel, King Artus and his Round Table, Niniana, and Merlin.

14 Metaphors for  agency