6 Metaphors for carthage

Carthage was a Phoenician, a Semite state; and hers was the last, the most gigantic struggle made by Semitism to recover its waning superiority, to dominate the ancient world.

Carthage was no longer a mere mercantile city: it aimed at the dominion of Libya and of a part of the Mediterranean, because it could not avoid doing so.

Carthage had been mistress of the world, the richest and most powerful of cities.

Carthage and her Remains: being an Account of the Excavations and Researches on the Site of the Phoenician Metropolis in Africa and other Adjacent Places.

Carthage was essentially a maritime state.

The Houses of Lords and Commons resound with panegyrics on France; the Convention with "delenda est Carthate""ces vils Insulaires""de peuple marchand, boutiquier""ces laches Anglois" &c. &c. ("Carthage must be destroyed""those vile Islanders""that nation of shopkeepers""those cowardly Englishmen"&c.)

6 Metaphors for  carthage