22 Metaphors for dad

X. "Oo dad is, 'Sieur Frowenfel'?" XI.

Dad is one thing, but my husband is another.

"Bud," she exclaimed, with much dismay, "dad was de manner of my bill!

" "Eh, Men, dad was h-only de poli-i-idenez.

X. "Oo dad is, 'Sieur Frowenfel'?" XI.

"Mais, 'Sieur Grandissime, you know, dad is so verrie unegspeg'.

" "But, dad, isisn't there anyany hope?

Then Jim got tired of doing nothingthey possess everlasting rocksyou know their lamented dad was a sort of amateur Croesusand he decided to monkey with mines.

"Dad," she said, in her ordinary indifferent tone, "there's torches movin; up toward the diamond pit.

"My dad was a great guycould barely read, always singing.

Think just because your dad's a big railroad man you can knock poor fellers around any old way?

You an' Dad are great hunters, I don't think!"

One morning in May my dad asked me whether I'd like to participate in a project that the Goa Foundation, an environment organisation of which my dad is Executive Secretary, was organising for college students.

"Dad's the oldest settler in our county, and he's been there only forty years.

Then Romer cried in his shrill treble: "Dad, here's a big buckhurry!"

Dad is one 'eavy charge again' you.

"Suppose dad should be true w'at doze peop' say 'bout Ursin.

Dad's a botanist and an entomologist.

The "two skirts" were shown, and the child went away crestfallen, but a few minutes later jumped down again from the ditch, and cried angrily, "Dad's a divil, mum's a divil, and I'm a divil, and you are only an ordinary lady," and having flung a handful of mud and pebbles ran away sobbing.

"This,this hut, those overalls, beans and bacon to eat, and nownowthe knowledge that her dad is a thief.

"Did you know my dad was a soldier?" was the boy's next question.

I can't help it if Dad is a Brahms freak.

22 Metaphors for  dad