66 Metaphors for necessity

It is by means of such authorized and effectual resistance, that oppression is prevented, and the necessity of resorting to force superseded, in governments of the concurrent majority;and, hence, compromise, instead of force, becomes their conservative principle.

Nevertheless, necessity is a hard master; and if the question were narrowed down to one of burning the materials of a vessel that was in the water, and in good condition, and of burning those of one that was out of the water, with holes cut through her bottom in several places, and otherwise so situated as to render repairs extremely difficult, if not impossible, even Duggett would be compelled to submit to circumstances.

Such a necessity is truly compulsion; nor is it in the least altered in its nature by being assumed to be eternal, in virtue of an endless remotion or retrusion of the constituent cause, which being manifested by the understanding becomes a foreseen despair of a cause.

Necessity is no Christian plea, "It must needs be that offences come, but woe to him by whom the offence cometh!"

It is urged, sir, that they may insure their ships in other countries; an assertion, of which, whether it be true or not, I am not able to decide; but it is acknowledged, that the necessity of establishing new correspondence will be at least a temporary obstruction of their trade, and an obstruction of even a short continuance may lay them at our mercy.

The necessity of celebrating this in utter boredom was a dismal prospect.

The necessity of cooking for himself, and the want of pure, cold spring water, were the two greatest physical hardships he endured.

Economic necessity was the cause of the first invasion of India: the second was inspired by religion.

The necessity of obtaining the "imprimatur" of a publisher is a very wholesome restraint, from which Mr. Moxonunluckily for himself and for usfound himself relieved.

By coming forward in this imprudent manner, he fixed the stain only the more indelibly on himself; for he thus imposed upon me the cruel necessity of being examined against him; and this necessity was the more afflicting, to me, because I was to be called upon not to state facts relative to the trade, but to destroy his character as an evidence in its support.

This necessity, to give it the best name, to which man is exposed without and subjected within, is in its broadest conception the power that increases life, and all things are under its sway.

The necessity that forced Caesar to this dangerous course was probably a lack of fresh water.

"In all other countries," said I, "civilization and population have gone hand in hand; and the necessity of an increasing subsistence for increasing numbers, has been the parent of useful arts and of social improvement.

The necessity of accelerating the establishment of certain useful manufactures by the intervention of legislative aid and protection and the encouragement due to agriculture by the creation of boards (composed of intelligent individuals) to patronize this primary pursuit of society are subjects which will readily engage our most serious attention.

"Ah, Amy," said my aunt in conclusion, "the necessity of the times was a school that taught women far more of the realities of life than they learn now-a-days.

Do you believe in the modern theories regarding the effect of jealousy and hatred upon the body? Is capital punishment at times a necessity?

It was much against the grain for Ronicky Doone to attack a man by surprise, but necessity is a stern ruler.

The necessity we feel that God should bless our labors is another powerful motive to prayer.

Necessity, after all, is the test of principle.

Their talents find them employment every where; and the necessity they are under of a laborious exertion of these talents, and of submitting to a great deal from those whose customs and manners are not to their taste, and whom they feel inferior to themselves, is a considerable check to the desire to go abroad, so much so, that we hold out the farther inducement of political distinction when they return.

The one great national necessity was protection, and this he made as clear as the light of the sun.

The triple necessity thus filled, the result is truly a work of art.

our absolute necessity of him is a ground to press us to go and seek help and relief: we see we are gone in ourselves, and therefore are we allowed to seek out for help elsewhere.

This necessity for caution cannot be the normal condition, for such caution cannot be exerted for the female peasant or savage, but it seems the necessary condition for American young women.

A coercing necessity is impure, for it is at war with that to which it applies; only a necessity in sweetest affinity with that which it governs is of the purest degree; and this is, of course, identical with the highest and divinest freedom.

66 Metaphors for  necessity