8 Words to use with gags

Comics face starvation as gag men near wit's end.

When the right of petition shall be broken downwhen no whisper shalt be heard in Congress in behalf of human rightswhen the press shall be muzzled, and the freedom of speech destroyed by gag-laws, then will the slaveholders announce, that TRANQUILLITY IS RESTORED TO THE PUBLIC MIND!

They were going out of the stable, when John stopped, and said, "I had better mention that we have never used the check-rein with either of them; the black horse never had one on, and the dealer said it was the gag-bit that spoiled the other's temper.

Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck gag book.

[Sidenote: The "gag-resolutions."

It was as neat a piece of gag-work as I ever hope to see if I live to be a hundred.

Ay, here is a fellow, Judicio, that carried the deadly stock in his pen, whose muse was armed with a gag-tooth, and his pen possessed with Hercules' furies.

A gag-eater in our time was equivalent to a goul, and held in equal detestation.suffered under the imputation. 'Twas said He ate strange flesh.

8 Words to use with  gags