13 Words to use with grown

The vista of the sand is the child's free land; where the grown-ups seem half afraid; even nurse forgets to sniff and to call "come here" as she sits very near to the far up cliff and you venture alone with your spade.... Even indoors, a child could probably find for himself all the material for investigation, all the stimuli he requires, if it were not that his investigations interfere with adult purposes.

Müller resumes the lead : "In the second grow heartsease and wild eglantine; Fair exchange is no theftfor my heart, give me thine.

They are usually propagated from shoots of full grown trees, which if transplanted and taken care of, will yield in six or seven years, whilst those raised immediately from the stone require sixteen years to produce fruit.

Imitation is often a strong incentive to reading, it is part of the craving for grown-upness to many children; they desire to do what their brothers and sisters can do.

Grown folks and children all kept around home unless you had business and went on a trip.

Down beneath grow dandelions, Daisies, old-man's-looking-glasses; Rooks flap croaking across the lane.

Master Gripe, I was coming to desire that I might have your absence at my wedding; for I hear say you are very liberal grown o' late.

Out of sorrow, out of strife, Spring aloft to higher life; Parted by no awful cleft From the life that I have left; Only I myself grown purer See its good so much the surer, See its ill with hopeful eye, Frown more seldom, oftener sigh.

[Illustration: A CORNER OF ROMNEY MARSH] Take Appledore, for instance, with its fine old church, with its air of the fourteenth century and its beautiful old ivy grown tower, once a port they say, on the verge of the Marsh; what could be more nobly simple and homely?

She sang and danced on gracefully and calm, The light gauze hanging loose about her form; To me she seemed a proudly-swaying palm Grown lovelier for passing through a storm.

He opened the telegram with the smile still on his lips, and read the thing; then the crowd of staringshall it be written, gaping?persons saw the smile fade slowly, the flushed face grow paler, still paler, then livid.

Grown barbariansit may be now all but past savingbut bringing into the world young barbarians, whom we may yet save, for God wishes us to save them.

The children had ancient faces and grave voices; and upon them, and upon the grown faces, and ploughed into every furrow of age, and coming up afresh, was the signHunger.

13 Words to use with  grown