308 Words to use with ing

[eBook #10027] Language: English Chatacter set encoding: US-ASCII ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE TRIPLE ALLIANCE*** E-text prepared by Lionel G. Sear of Truro, Cornwall, England, and dedicated to the memory of R. F. Mudie, who won the book used as the source for this e-text as Form II First Prize for the Summer Term in 1901 at the Seafield House Preparatory School, Broughty Ferry, Scotland

"'You mean to say you don't trust me,' 'e ses, firing up.

Scherzo in E minor; op.

SEE E Z method baritone or B flat bass in bass clef.

All other endings readily unite in sound either with the sharp or with the flat s, as they themselves are sharp or flat; and, to avoid an increase of syllables, we allow the final e mute to remain mute after that letter is added: thus, we always pronounce as monosyllables the words babes, blades, strifes, tithes, yokes, scales, names, canes, ropes, shores, plates, doves, and the like. OBS.

(In G-E circle bulletin.

email: p e t e r @ m o u l

Canto e pianoforte.

If now the elastic band E H be removed, the remaining band, F G, will tend to bring the two points to which it is attached, nearer together, and the result will be that the bars A B and C D will be drawn upwards (B), that is, in the same direction as the ribs in the act of inspiration.

[eBook #10479] Language: English Character set encoding: US-ASCII ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK OUR CHURCHES AND CHAPELS*** Transcribed by Peter Moulding p e t e r @ m o u l

The more 'e thought of it the nicer and warmer it seemed, and, arter a struggle between his pride and a few 'arf-pints, he got 'is good temper back agin and went off 'ome smiling.

Pestò con sassi l'erba, indi la presse, E succo ne cavò fra le man bianche: Ne la piaga n'infuse, e ne distese E pel petto e pel ventre e fin a l'anche; E fu di tal virtù questo liquore, Che stagnò il sangue e gli tornò il vigore: E gli diè forza, che poté salire Sopra il cavallo the 'l pastor condusse.

email: p e t e r @ m o u l

Orlando prese costui per le chiome, E disse: Dimmi, se non ch' io t'uccido.

Ora ti prego, che a quel ch' io domando Risponda il vero, a d' uomo pregiato; Se in se' veramente quell' Orlando, Che vien tanto nel mondo nominato; E perchè qui sei giunto, e come, e quando; E se mai fosti ancora innamorato; Perche ogni cavalier, ch'è senza amore, Se in vista è vivo, vivo senza core.

I felt it myselfall over, like an E string that's been pulled too high, slipping down into tune when you turn the peg.

E multis eduliis unum elige, relictisque caeteris, ex eo comede.

"Oh, yus," said the seaman, chuckling, "'e wuz 'auled out finally.

Nad Alderson, 'e said, 'e'd navver seen anything like what doctor 'e doon for t' lil' thing.

Pestò con sassi l'erba, indi la presse, E succo ne cavò fra le man bianche: Ne la piaga n'infuse, e ne distese E pel petto e pel ventre e fin a l'anche; E fu di tal virtù questo liquore, Che stagnò il sangue e gli tornò il vigore: E gli diè forza, che poté salire Sopra il cavallo the 'l pastor condusse.

He had a good ma-ny things to do: to help take care of the chick-ens, the sheep and lambs, the cows and horses; and be-sides all this, he went to school, and with all the other boys, had great fun at coast-ing and skat-ing when school was out.

He saw, dimly, that Joe's chin was resting on his breast and that his eyes were closed; he heard him mutter in a voice that seemed to come from some distant room: "Of all 'e bowls I s-s-smell or see, The wassail bowl's 'e bowl f-f-for me," and the next moment both man and boy were fast asleep.

Intermediate steps to the band: E flat alto horn or mellophone.

The heart E horsemen.

Ora ti prego, che a quel ch' io domando Risponda il vero, a d' uomo pregiato; Se in se' veramente quell' Orlando, Che vien tanto nel mondo nominato; E perchè qui sei giunto, e come, e quando; E se mai fosti ancora innamorato; Perche ogni cavalier, ch'è senza amore, Se in vista è vivo, vivo senza core.

308 Words to use with  ing