13 Words to use with lent

Lend-lease, weapon for victory.

Violet does a little lend-leasing.

To noble deeds fair poesie lends wings; She lifts them up from grovelling earth to sky, And bids them sit in light, and live and never die.

What meanest thou with this thy Lent-address?

May Heaven arrest its course, avert its terror, And keep the Statesman who this foe must fight From careless blindness and from blundering error, Such as of old lent aid to the Black Blight.

There are various corruptions of this name to be found in the West of England, such as lentils, lent-a-lily, lents, and lent-cocks; the last name doubtless referring to the custom of cock-throwing, which was allowed in Lent, boys, in the absence of live cocks, having thrown sticks at the flower.

"And when, beside me in the dale, He caroll'd lays of love, His breath lent fragrance to the gale, And music to the grove.

Upon this piece of lent land stood our favorite oak.

Few flowers have been more popular than the daffodil or lent-lily, or, as it is sometimes called, the lent-rose.

Few flowers have been more popular than the daffodil or lent-lily, or, as it is sometimes called, the lent-rose.

While others, after the long abstinence of the lent season, refreshed themselves with dainty viands, on which they fed with much earnestness, he, raising his mind above earthly enjoyments, and meditating on divine things, broke out into excessive laughter, to the great astonishment of his guests.

To her inquiries they answered that they came from Piedmont; and their curious jargon of French and Italian lent support to the story.

Shrapnel and gas lent vivacity to the assault.

13 Words to use with  lent