11 Words to use with levy

This affair was again debated with vehemence upon the report on Monday, December 13, 1742, upon a question, whether the levy-money should stand part of the general question, which was carried by 53; Ayes 230, Noes 177.] HOUSE OF LORDS, FEBRUARY 1, 1742-3.

[Sidenote: The levy court, or representative county assembly.]

The governor, with the advice of his council, could erect courts, appoint judges, levy forces, etc.

The Marquis of Istria levies imposts on Venetian merchants, the repeal of which is enforced by the Doge suspending all intercourse between the two states.

He started inside, when the levy notice on the door again met his eyes.

He fired away all his ammunition, and the bands of his musket flew off; he picked up another just as two levy officers ordered a charge, and followed the charging party at a run.

Mr. Hardcastle, who went from house to house, gathering compliments as an assessor levies taxes, completed the round of the village and began again.

Any person entitled to any of the exemptions mentioned in this section does not waive his rights thereto by failing to designate or select such exempt property or by failing to object to a levy thereon, unless failing or refusing so to do when required to make such designation or selection by the officers about to levy.

789. plunder, pillage, rifle, sack, loot, ransack, spoil, spoliate^, despoil, strip, sweep, gut, forage, levy blackmail, pirate, pickeer^, maraud, lift cattle, poach; smuggle, run; badger [Slang]; bail up, hold up, stick up; bunco, bunko, filibuster. swindle, peculate, embezzle; sponge, mulct, rook, bilk, pluck, pigeon, fleece; defraud &c 545; obtain under false pretenses; live by one's wits.

Then, whenever he would see such a ship pass by, he would issue forth in his own ships and seize upon that other vessel, and either levy toll upon it or sink it with all upon board.

Phipps, William, succeeds Boone as Governor of Bombay; remonstrates against Matthews; levies customs duties at Mahim; Phoenix, the, man-of-war, goes in search of Danish pirates; attacked by Sanganian pirates.

11 Words to use with  levy