12 collocations for moot

And he quoted a speech of Canning, delivered fifteen years before, in which that eloquent statesman, a man by no means inclined to a timorous policy, had declared that "no feeling of wounded pride, no motive of questionable expediency, nothing short of real and demonstrable necessity, should ever induce him to moot the awful question of the transcendental power of Parliament over every dependency of the British crown.

" "Ah!" said John, thoughtfully, "and you will moot to Peter the scheme for taking a house in town?

He looked serious when I mooted El-Kerakserious, then interested, them speculative.

He keeps the door of quarrel openwill not profess to be altogether friends with him, though he does not hint at his real ground of offence: that mooted, the match of skill, with its immense advantages for villainy, would have been impossible.

" The prospect of mooting the Philistines in the open field filled the mind of every boy with one thought, and the whole establishment went football mad.

That timid soul had been on thorns ever since I mooted my new projects.

Sir Edward Grey mooted the proposal for a conference to the ambassadors in London on Friday, July 24th.

When I moot that questionupon what reposes the success of Hungary, it always occurs to my mind that the last Administration of the United States sent a gentleman over to Europe during the Hungarian struggle, not with orders to recognize the independence of Hungary, but just to look to what chance of success we had.

Brother Weld was not satisfied with writing us one letter about them, but we have received two more setting forth various reasons why we should not moot the subject of woman's rights at all, but our judgment is not convinced, and we hardly know what to do about it, for we have just as high an opinion of Brother Garrison's views, and he says, 'go on.' ...

These should moot cases in your book, and vie To show their reading and their Serjeantry.

He talks statutes as fiercely as if he had mooted seven years in the inns of court, when all his skill is stuck in his girdle, or in his office-window.

Some newspaper had thought the reverse, and had mooted the question;was not the distance too great for such screams to have been heard, or, at any rate, understood?

12 collocations for  moot