9 collocations for returne

For in those parts the windes blow firmely for certaine times, with the which they goe to Pegu with the winde in poope, and if they arriue not there before the winde change, and get ground to anker, perforce they must returne backe againe: for that the gales of the winde blowe there for three or foure moneths together in one place with great force.

Prethee, sweet Child, to bed; good rest dwell with thee, And heaven returne a blessing: that's my good Boy.

Wilt thou goe with me, then, and see that world Which either will returne thy old delights, Or square thy appetite anew to theirs? Anton.

Also the said deputyes shall haue power to fyne any that shall be disorderly at their meetings, or for not coming in due tyme or place according to appoyntment; and they may returne the said fynes into the Courte if yt be refused to be paid, and the tresurer to take notice of yt, and to estreete or levy the same as he doth other fynes.

To what base vses we may returne Horatio.

Lyke a shadowe vanisht, But to returne a substance.

One that will howld; withall give pryvate order At night the guarden gates may bee left open, By whiche wee may returne unknowne to any.

As stepdames orphanes, night the cleer-fac't day, So doth she hate me and returne my woes Like a steeld Anvil backward on my selfe.

But when returne ye to the court againe? Phy.

9 collocations for  returne