14 collocations for twitter

A far off whistling mingled with the gurgling water and twittering birds?

The fog had risen and shining frost pearls hung in the bare twigs of the tall trees where the sparrows were already twittering their morning song.

Out of that palpitating speck of living joy there wells forth a sea of twittering ecstacy upon the morning and evening air.

A swarm of minas (the Indian starling) hopped and twittered round my feet.

Bambi skipped along beside Jarvis, twittering gayly.

"Haven't you heard of me?" "I believe the sparrows have twittered a little about you," the dog returned.

"Yes," twittered the Master; "but if the judge says, 'You be hanged,' you are hanged.

Not a bird is heard to twitter, not a pine-tree moves: of what does the Southern summer dream here in the North, amongst pines and fragrant birches?

The bees were droning, and the gnats humming amongst the tall hollyhocks and crimson and white roses close by; the birds were already twittering their last 'good-nights' to one another, and a soft, peaceful spell seemed to be falling on all around.

That the Holy Spirit, which erst did brood O'er the Son of Man by Jordan's flood, In thine own pure form to the eye of sense, From its resting place has departed hence, And twitters the swallow, and wheels the bat O'er the mercy-seat where its presence sat?

The trees of the Ramblas were covering themselves with leaves and in their shady branches were twittering thousands of birds with the deafening tenacity of the crickets.

To the gregarious individual who seeks and misses his kind, the place is loneliness itself after the flight of the gay birds who for a time strutted about in gorgeous plumage twittering the time away; to the man who loves to be in close and undisturbed contact with nature, who enjoys communing with the sea, who would be alone on the beach and silent by the waves, the flight of the throng is a relief.

It was a very happy day, the day that Fairy came back, and it seemed to feel as much joy as we did; first it flew to Mary, and then to Fred, and then to one after the other, twittering its wings, and rubbing its pretty black head on our hands or faces, as we see dogs and cats do when they want to show great kindness.

" "Even if it must be forged?" twittered the dame.

14 collocations for  twitter