Do we say advice or advise

advice 6433 occurrences


In giving any advice for outfits for miners, I should first state that it is a great mistake to purchase anything whatever before arriving at Juneau, Alaska.

If you have any delay at Juneau, you will, probably, be asked to take trips to the Giant Glaciers, but my advice is to stay in Juneau until the steamer is ready to start for Dyea.

In this matter the advice of a spiritual or a medical adviser should be faithfully carried out by patients.

Centuries after St. Benedict's death we find St. Bonaventure repeating this advice to his novices.

" "Thank you; I may follow your advice.

"My advice, girls, is to print a first edition of about four hundred copies and distribute the papers free in every house within a radius of five or six miles from Millville.

" "Then, captain, dear, do you profit by your own advice; let the ladies talk.

"Mr. Donnegan, let me give you friendly advice.

Naow, I got a red an' green plaid what belonged to my second stepson, Henry O. He never would 'a' died o' pneumony, either, ef he'd a-took my advice an' made himself a newspaper nightcap last time he substituted with the 'Savers.

A party of revolt was formed among the Peers, and the Prime Minister was branded as a traitor who was guilty of treason and whose advice to the King in the words of the vote of censure was "a gross violation of constitutional liberty.

I hope, sir, it will not be objected, that by such request a suspicion will be insinuated of designs detrimental to the British nation, and repugnant to the conditions on which his majesty ascended the throne, because an objection of equal force may rise against any advice whatever that shall be offered by the senate.

Thus, sir, may the most laudable conduct be charged with sedition, and the most awful regard be accused of disrespect, by forced consequences, and exaggerated language; thus may senates become useless, lest they should appear to be wiser than their sovereign, and the sovereign be condemned to act only by the information of servile ministers, because no publick advice can safely be given him.

There was a dead, brooding silence, till he turned to Lancelot, 'Mr. Smith, I thank you for your honesty, but good advice may come too late.

In our holy church he would have been compelled to discriminate his faults by methodic self-examination, and lay them one by one before his priest for advice and pardon, and so start a new and free man once more.' 'Do you think,' asked Lancelot with a smile, 'that he who will not confess his faults either to God or to himself, would confess them to man?

And you are both well and happy?' 'Perfectly, and doubly delighted at your presence to-day, for your advice will come in a providential moment for my friend here.' 'Ah!' said the strange man, 'well met once more!

Some one, after detailing an elaborate recipe for a salad, wound up the enumeration of ingredients and quantities with the advice to "open the window and throw it all away."

This advice might be applied to the foregoing enumeration of the laws of Style, unless these were supplemented by the important law of Variety.

It is a fact, which Mr. Wilson has taken no trouble to conceal, that he does not value the advice of lawyers except on strictly legal questions, and that he considers their objections and criticisms on other subjects to be too often based on mere technicalities and their judgments to be warped by an undue regard for precedent.

Do what you can and how you can, and be first on the wires; that's my advice to you; and also, that when next you come upon a campaign you bring with you the best horse that money can buy.

Young Anerley stood with his back against a palm tree and his briar between his lips, thinking over the advice which he had received.

So, taking with us our maps and much good advice, we bade farewell to our friends, and walked back to our camp under the starsthe same stars that were shining over Constantinople.

"Good enough, partner!" Presently the sheriff showed that he was a man capable of taking good advice, even though he could not stamp it as his own original device.

"Gents, does the word of your fat friend go here?" Left to themselves, the posse probably would have refused Arizona's advice on general principles, but Arizona did not leave them to themselves.

The Central Committee, which had emitted contrary advice, declares its intention of adhering to the following resolutions: "'All around the quarters occupied by the enemy, barricades shall be raised so as to isolate completely that part of the town.

advise 1722 occurrences

The woman had married Sir Henry merely in order to obtain money and position; and this man Flockart, who for years had been her most intimate associate, had ever remained behind her, to advise and to help her.

They do not advise congress or the president as to the constitutionality or unconstitutionally of a law.

And in any case let me advise anyone who marries a poor girl not to leave her the capital but only the interest, and to take especial care that she has not the management of the children's fortune.

We were noncombatants and nowise concerned in the existing controversy; but we remembered the plaintive words of the Chinese Minister at Brussels when he called on our MinisterBrand Whitlockto ascertain what Whitlock would advise doing in case the advancing Germans fired on the city.

His name alone is the best and only charm against all such diabolical illusions, so doth Origen advise: and so Chrysostom, Haec erit tibi baculus, haec turris inexpugnabilis, haec armatura.

It was opposed by Pitt, chiefly on the ground that Mr. Baker only based the necessity for such a resolution on common report, which he, fairly enough, denied to be a sufficient justification of it; and partly on the undoubted and "inalienable right of peers, either individually or collectively, to advise his Majesty, whenever they thought the situation of public affairs made such a step an essential part of their duty."

He argued that the sole distinction between an absolute and a limited monarchy was that the sovereign in one is a despot, and may do as he pleases, but that in the other he is himself subjected to the laws, and consequently is not at liberty to advise with any one in public affairs who is not responsible for that advice, and that the constitution has clearly directed his negative to operate under the same wise restrictions.

He was so far correct, that her legal advisers were willing to advise her to consent to "a formal separation, to be ratified by an act of Parliament."

To quote his own words: "When I resolved to advise, and to promote to the utmost of my power, the settlement of that question, I resolved at the same time to relinquish, not only my official station, but the representation of the University of Oxford.

But, in spite of this warning, Lord Melbourne refused to advise the Queen to insert a statement of the Prince's religion in her speech, though it was by no means superfluous on such an occasion, since, if he were a Roman Catholic, a marriage with him would have incurred a forfeiture of the crown.

of acompasar measured, regular. aconsejar, to counsel, advise. acontecer, to happen. acordarse, to recollect, remember; de, to remember.

adulador, fawning. advertencia, f., advice, information. advertir, to notice, advise, inform, warn; pues es de , and you must remember (know or bear in mind).

consultar, to consult, ask, advise, consult about, ask advice about. consumir, to consume, eat, cost. consunción, f., consumption.

If intended as their decision, it imports that the Senate do not advise and consent to the appointment of Daniel Bissell as colonel in the Second Regiment of Artillery.

Were I the worthiest to advise your honour, You should pursue him with your spredding bandes Swifter in march then is the lightning flame, And take him tardy whilst his plots are tame.

I really advise you as a friend to let her make the effort to recover that money; I think she will get it.

"Now, would you advise pricking?" he asked, with deference to her judgment.

The result was a determination on the part of the Senate not to consider the decision of His Netherland Majesty obligatory and a refusal to advise and consent to its execution.

"Look here, Martin," he said, "I'll give you twenty-four hours to think it over; and let me advise you to change your mind by then.

You are for we minister, and for we only friend; and if you did not advise we to go on work till things settle down, we no lift another hoe.

Unless an arrangement is soon entered into, I shall advise them to do so.

Although my chapel is £700 in debt, and my schools, one of 180 and one of 160 scholars, are heavy, very heavy on me, I cannot do other than advise my people to save every mite, buy an acre of land, and by that means be independent, and job about wherever they may be wanted.

I have always found this plan the most successful, and I advise you to begin it.

Later I became convinced that Dendrinos did secretly, and more from antagonism to Derché than from any orders from his government, advise against concession, as Parthenios used to come secretly by night to him for consultation.

I told him I could not advise him to fight or make peace, but I translated Mr. Seward's dispatch, and assured him that when the ship arrived I would send it at once to the relief of the families.

Do we say   advice   or  advise