4124 examples of arguing in sentences

" In a famous book, Degeneration, written at the close of the nineteenth century, Max Nordau, as a pathologist, explains this tendency by arguing that our complex civilization has placed too great a strain upon the limited nervous organization of man.

As it seemed to me, a full third of the garrison were arguing in favor of surrender, giving as their reasons the scanty supply of powder for the cannon, and the probability that St. Leger's army would constantly increase as the Tories from the Mohawk Valley got wind of what was going on.

On the other hand was to be seen Lady Mountague pleading for her child's life, and arguing with some justice that Romeo had done nothing worthy of punishment in taking the life of Tybalt, which was already forfeited to the law by his having slain Mercutio.

"With all submission to your lordship, I am afraid I must claim my right of arguing my case in person.

" "I trust I shall not do so, my lord; but in any case I shall be arguing under your lordship's complete control.

The truth of it, making all arguing futile, numbed her faculties.

Then, as if in irony, or partly influenced perhaps by the advocate's love of arguing the case both ways, Cicero demolishes that grand argument of design which elsewhere he so carefully constructs, and reasons in the very language of materialism"You assert that all the universe could not have been so ingeniously made without some godlike wisdom, the majesty of which you trace down even to the perfection of bees and ants.

Such conduct arises (he says) from the false logic with which men cheat their conscience; arguing reversely, that whatever is the best policy ishonesty.

Only one or two extracts need be given, which, it is hoped, will suffice to illustrate the character and style of the book: Act II., Scene v.Niemand and Minos are arguing for and against Henrici's "Elementary Geometry.

I can fancy how the young man would rub his hands, in delight, and would say to himself, "Just see me get him into a corner, and convict him of arguing in a circle!"

Have just got printed, as a leaflet, "A Disputed Point in Logic"the point Professor Wilson and I have been arguing so long.

It is like arguing that a man cannot die because he has never been known to do so.

Let us not be supposed to be arguing in favour of incessant battle of high dialectic in the household.

We may seem to have been unconsciously arguing as strongly in favour of a vigorous social conservatism as of a self-asserting spirit of social improvement.

At length, arguing that there must be a way on our left, we plunged in that direction.

That's what all these pacifists and anti-militaries are arguing, though they don't let on to that.

They passed their time arguing furiously, exchanging insults and continually seeking each other's company as though they couldn't live apart.

Miss Nussey evidently insists that Charlotte's feelings are engaged this time, arguing possibly from the "painful blank"; and Charlotte becomes explicit.

This, of course, was arguing that her genius was, after all, only a superior kind of talent; but some of them had already begun to ask themselves, Was it, after all, anything more?

I even found myself betraying professional secrets and arguing with total strangers as to the amount of her income.

"My Lord, Jim Deacon," Doane went on as the other did not reply, "do you suppose this is any fun for me, arguing with you to swing an oar this afternoon when I would give my heart's blood to swing it in your place?" "Why do you do it, then?" "Why do I do it?

The luxury of tender persuasion, of arguing her into a sense of sweet security, concerned him next.

" We may feel sure that he would not have permitted the essential matters of readjustment to be delayed while political lawyers were arguing over the constitutional issue.

And they abide ever the sameyearning for that which they cannot have, but nevertheless accepting with a sharp relish the things which are decreed to them; even as do the Duke's carrion-eaters yonder, which, by-the-way, are waiting most impatiently for their meal while we thus stand arguing.

Yet here, if anywhere, we should be justified in arguing that it is unfair to judge an unrevised fragment as if it were a completed work in the form in which the author decided to give it to the world.

4124 examples of  arguing  in sentences