540 examples of at the hotel in sentences

There was no chance of its turning up at the hotel before ten o'clock, and I was therefore prevented from appearing at the dance till quite late.

This business being accomplished, he found Lon Taft at the hotel and instructed the carpenter to put rows of windows on both sides of the shed and to build partitions for an editorial office and a business office at the front.

He took his meals in the same room as the rest of us, but at what was known as "the Staff table," where he invited to join him any officers of high rank, who might be staying at the hotel, or, if there were none such available, certain of his private friends.

He would take a room at the hotel, making that his headquarters, and go out into the countryand stop at the Watson home, to ask directions or on some trivial errand, and meet her that way.

" Cary and Dawson spent the morning at the hotel with a telephone beside them; every few minutes the bell would ring, and a whisper of Hagan's movements steal over the wires into the ears of the spider Dawson.

Howland had been told this at the hotel, and he shrugged his shoulders in candid bewilderment as he stared down into the girl's face.

During its short stay in our room at the hotel, the erstwhile despised little tree met with an adulation that must have warmed the heart within its rough stem.

"You're a biscuit-shooter at the hotel?" "No. I work in the saloon.

He informed me that she and their little daughter were at the hotel in town, where they had arrived about noon, and that she wanted Georgia and me to be prompt in coming to her at four o'clock.

Mr. Wilmott had not accompanied her on this trip, and, being much alone, as most of her friends were in the country, she had seen a good deal of M. Kittredge, who frequently spent the evenings with her at the Hotel Waldorf, where she was stopping.

I'm at the hotel at Snowy Gulchand not much more time.

General Ransom was at the hotel porch when Sherman turned the bend one mile to come in the town.

"We were on the train, my wife and I, with our three little ones,on the train snowed in five miles back,and we ask, if you will give it, a night's lodging, it being necessary that we should reach home without paying for our keeping at the hotel.

Then she might actually pass Rafael on the way without knowing it, and wander aimlessly about while he would be waiting for her at the hotel.

The signora Talberg very seldom ate at the hotel.

Mama cooked at the hotel and in the country both.

Joseph came in to escort Mr. Edward, as he familiarly called him, to his room, but the young man excused himself, since he had engaged a room at the hotel and his baggage was there; but tomorrow he would come to them.

I had only to stop at the hotel at Couilly, step into the café, pick up a form and ask the proprietor to fill it out, and that was all that was necessary.

Tourists from the other hotels were being landed at our pier from tiny boats, to have their supper at the Hotel Rhiner, for the cooking is famous.

" "Who said he was here?" "The señora at the hotel would think that he was here.

Before being a house surgeon at the Hotel-Dieu, Horace Bianchon had been a medical student lodging in a squalid boarding house in the Quartier Latin, known as the Maison Vauquer.

Amateurs invariably call at the hotel to see me, and to ask my advice as to their powers of recitation.

Dinner was not ready when I arrived at the hotel; and during the short time I had to wait, I

As for me, I am satisfied to think we are paying much less, and we are twice as comfortable as we were at the hotel; and we get such good things to eat that our skeletons are filling out, and once more our clothes fit.

The people at the hotel were, as Mary told Julia Clifford, very honest people.

540 examples of  at the hotel  in sentences